Ahhh please help!  We've had our corgi for a month now.  So far he hasn't had any issues with eating paper.  I'm not the NEATEST person so I always have stuff lying around.  I was so happy that Ralphie mainly ignored most of these things so far until the last 2 days.  He's been caught eating an index card, kleenex and a postcard (hehe again, not the neatest person).  


I walk him twice a day and give him plenty of attention (if not smother him a bit!).  He is 6.5 months so I get that he is teething and dogs will be dogs. But he has so many delicious bones and stuff to chew plus a few other teething specific toys.


My very neat husband says "just clean up and don't leave stuff lying around"  which yes, I of course would love to do.  But still, is there anything I can do to prevent this?  


Today we took him to the dog park too and he herded/chased/got chased by lots of dogs and was super pooped, but when we got home, I found him chewing on shredded paper.  I said "no!" and took the paper away and gave him one of his chew toys... which he totally didnt care for and ignored. :(

Please, any advice??? I want to break the habit before it becomes a real problem.


Thanks in advance!!!

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Like you, and others, I've got this problem too- Potus LOVES paper. He knows how to check our pockets for tissues (not something we taught him or encourage), he'll eat any paper product he can get his paws on. Only this morning I caught him with a cheque book, which he had shredded- he'd found it in a bedroom where it had fallen behind a frame I had on the ground, little devil found a way to get it.

I am not a very neat person but you'll find the threat of having your things destroyed really motivates you to become neater. You may want to make sure that he doesn't have free range of all the rooms just yet if you don't want to have to check every room for potential targets of destruction. Potus for example was only allowed in the main living areas (kitchen, living room halwway etc.) so the bedrooms could be as messy as I wanted. He is almost 3 and now has access to one bedroom which is kept neat, though he still finds things to destory (like the chequebook). You just have to be vigilant, for instance before we all go to bed I make sure there is nothing in Corgi reach so we don't wake up to a pile of shredded paper (or socks, or pens etc.) Also, check out the list Sam linked to and have a laugh at how destructive our lovely Corgis can be.

just wanted to say "don't forget to push table chairs in, if you have them.  my husband is TERRIBLE about pushing his in after eating and our little "angels" will jump up on the chair and onto the table where we have put things to keep them "safe"!  they also hopped up on a chair and chewed the corner of the dining room table....
Oh yes, PENS....still a favorite of Sages:(
I have to agree with your husband.  Having puppies is just like having a baby.  You would 'baby-proof' your home to protect the baby, right??  Same goes with puppies.  I have had 5 corgis and got lax with my current pair.  The first time I allowed them alone without being in their crates, they ate books AND THE BOOKCASE!!  For several months I have kept all books out of their way and covered the bookcase with a sheet.  I make sure they have plenty of safe toys to chew and play with and (so far) they have behaved.  I expect they have grown out of the book/bookcase chomping.  So puppy-proof your house until you can trust the little angel!  (But NEVER leave anything toxic or dangerous out --- Corgis are naturally curious and will get into trouble!)
You bet.  i think that is a requirement for being a Corgi.  My baby hasn't outgrown it yet.  He especially likes single sheets of anything and is even known to grab TP out of your hand when you are getting ready to use it.
Glad Ginger isn't the only one with this TP habit.  Drives me crazy!  And then she barks at me when I throw it in the toilet because she's mad she didn't get to chew on it first.
Same! He's even grabbed the paper towels that I use to wipe up his urine if he misses the pee pad. GROSS!!!
I forgot to mention, too, that Annie love pens (Jane's post reminded me of that) and EYEGLASSES!  The glasses bit got a bit expensive.  I no longer leave them laying about.
Ginger loves both of those too!
Mine love pens too.  If you so much as turn your back and leave one on the coffee table within reach, it's a goner.
Pennys fettish is toilet paper...she will go in and take big bites out of the roll!
I have to put the toilet paper in a shopping bag and hang it up on a hook....and I just started moving the roll in the bathroom up high where he couldn't get it. Eventually he stopped trying :)    Oh but I don't know how to curb any other paper destruction urges, believe me....we can't leave any money around or it will get eaten!


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