I know its extremly rare to find pembrokes with them but I think its usual for cardis to have the blue icey eyes.

I wanted to see what others thought about them since when we were jokingly talking about another dog after maybe charlie passes on (in many many years thankyouverymuch). I mentioned I wanted to get a cardigan because I think they're pretty and wanted to see the differences between the two breeds from a personal perspective.

In reply my boyfriend just looked at me for a moment and said "Their eyes freak me out." ...????? "what?" "The blue eyes freak me out!"

.... In not being able to hold in my laughter I didn't get a better explanation from him yet lol but I think their eyes are pretty neat!

anyone else get kinda freaked out by the blue eyes? any reason?

Thanks :) Trying to understand what my boyfriend sees that I don't see.

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I've only met one Cardi in my life and that one had 1 brown and one blue/brown eye but under certain lights they looked red and that was rather a scary look. I love the look of blue eyes though!
We love our blue eyed merle, the blue eyes dont freak us out at all. People we meet or know just love Lances blue eyes. :)
I finally got a straight answer out of the boy. He said it makes them look too "human". Which I can understand. I still love the coloring and love the different mixes you can get though and will keep pushing for it now and then. Thankfully we'll have many years before this decision is made.

The browns can look red in certain light thats true lol. The first picture I got for Charlie was a text msg from my boyfriend who went to look at him (I was at work so couldn't go). He's looking up into the picture and has two deep red eyes lol. I txted him back and asked if he was an evil little thing. Boyfriend didn't understand why I asked that till I showed him the picture when he got home haha!
My bf is freaked out by blue eyes too. I saw a blue merle australian sheperd at Petsmart with the prettiest blue eyes and asked if he wanted a blue merle. He said, "No, their eyes freak me out." So weird!
My GF's pem has 1 blue eye and 1 blue/brown mixed eye. They don't freak me out, I just thought he looks kind of cute and goofy!
Finnigan freaks some people out only because he has one blue and one brown. The blue one being on the dark side of his face makes it stand out even more. My husband calls it his magic eye and jokes that if you stare into it he can control your mind. People either think his eyes are awesome, they think there's something wrong (such as being blind in the blue eye) or they think it's weird. I love it! It's just what I wanted my Cardi to have and voila, Finn was born. :)

Your boyfriend does realize they don't all have blue eyes, right? There's a chance of it if you get a blue merle but all of the other coat colors should have brown eyes and even the merles can end up with two brown eyes. Cardis are great, don't let him talk you out of it. :)
Oh I wont I promise ;) I did convince him to get a corgi when he wanted a "manly" dog like a rotty or something lol. I just love the blue eyes and he's not against the cardi thing.. just the blue eyes... *sigh* If it does come down to it in the end of course I will pick a dog because of their personality and one that will fit with us not just by their looks... but man I want a blue eyed one hahahha.
I think blue eyes are beautiful. I really like the cardi's with just one blue eye. Before I got Spartan I was just about to buy a Cardigan (a blue merle) from a breeder in PA (who shows his cardigans) that I had been on a waitting list for a year, and even had first picking but, decided against it since he lived so far from me and would of cost me an arm and a leg but, lucky for me I found Spartan just a few miles from where I live. In a few years I plan on getting me one. There is quite a difference in the two breeds.
Ragnar has some of the bluest eyes I've ever seen in human or dog. They are gorgeous, but I do admit sometimes when he's at the end of the yard, he looks slightly wraithlike when he stares up at you and all you see are these piercing blue eyes. People freak out all the time over them, but in a good way. A woman at the pet store yesterday just kept going on about how "mesmerizing" they were! He's really going to get a swelled head soon :). I think people are right--it's not as warm of an expression, but it is beautiful.

Aber, our other cardi, has one brown, one mixed (someone called it cracked, I think?). That eye always photographs red, or glows red in the right light. It gives him a cute expression, though--just enough blue to make you look twice at him.


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