Ok, I tried letting it slide, but how can I get Rowdy to STOP chewing on me!? Trust me, he has plenty of toys and chewies and noms... but mommy is his favorite. His little teeth are still super sharp and it's losing its "cute" factor.

I think it's his "terrible two's" phase... lol he just turned 4 months and isn't fixed yet.

Any tips?!

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I always work with my puppies on this before they go to their homes so this is not a big problem for new owners. The older they get the harder it gets to stop it and the more aggressive they become. I do not play with the puppies with my hands..there is always a toy involved til they get older and know the difference and know when I say to settle they back off. With the young pups..when they start to really go at my hands all I do is give a loud OUCH and hold my hand still...normally they will back right off. If they keep the mouth off then I pet them calmly and reward. Also pups that stay with litter mates til a good 8 weeks and with their mother for atleast 6 weeks will learn nipping hurts and they teach each other to play nice. Once the pup gets a bit older if Ouch doesn't totally stop it I will hold hands still and get up and ignore that pup...when he behaves he will get attention again...they will soon learn this is not acceptable. Teething stages make them more aggressive about this so offer chews or rub his gums..excellent time to teach them to allow you to be in their mouth since its a reward to have those aching gums massaged and its all a positive reinforcement.
I try "ouch" and yelping loudly and he doesn't really care. What he likes to do is wrap his mouth around my arm and just gnaw on it. I'm going to try getting up and ignoring him, heaven-forbid he stops getting attention! Hahaha.  He might like getting his gums massaged too.  Are there any kinds of toys you recommend for a teething pup? I know with kids they have those freezer chew things... lol anything like that for dogs?
Frozen wet towel worked for my puppy!

Here are a couple of other recent discussions regarding biting that might have some ideas for you. My #1 piece of advice = obedience class.  They do have puppy classes for the younguns.  It really does make a huge difference for you and your puppy!






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