Harlequin came home on Sunday and on Monday she was a good girl, only 1 accident through the whole day... not too bad on her chewing. Yesterday morning she was being bratty but after a good afternoon it seemed to be better, so I took her voting with me! But today... she is a MONSTER!!!!!!! She has now pooped on the floor 3 times today.. and all 3 times after I had taken her out and we walk around for at least 20minutes. She has piddled tiny little piddles on the floor countless times after she has been taken out. Which I have been taking her out every-single-hour! Stilll... tiny piddle puddles on the floor. They usually seem to happen after we get done playing or in mid-play session.
Anything and everything that is not nailed down she is after today... climbing under my futon in my bedroom and chewing on things she should not be! I tell her no and she stops but then goes right back to it, I say no. It takes bout 3-4 no's before she gives up and goes for another thing. I give her all kinds of toys to nibble on... Thankfully a Kong keeps her attention for a good 10-15mins before she goes to another toy and then back to her kong.. it's kind of like a toy ping-pong.
I'm trying to hold myself together and stay strong but after her last pooping on the floor and then turning to try to eat it... I need guidence!

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did he stop after a while? Gotta be tough! lol
Hi Caitlin!
I think you have plenty of good info here. My 2 main thoughts are the exercise fence set up or gate and crate are very important. I have 7 (9 week olds) that start leaving next week. I couldn't survive without a fence and they are like a herd of elephants! They also come in and run all over so especially watch for cords:) Replace the things they should not have with toys they can have! Without boundaries it would be like having a 2-3 year old in a toy store:) Mine also eat and go out but about 1-2 hours later is when they really have to poop! Good luck!
Just take a deep breath. It will get better. I promise. :) I am wondering though (I couldnt tell if from your previous posts) are you crate training? Because if you arent, you might want to think about it. We are crate training Scooter and it is going very well. When we get up or any time we take him out to go potty we dont even let him walk to the door, we carry him from his crate to the door. We made that mistake once and he peed on the floor. So from now on the moment he leaves his crate he goes outside. He usually will pee right away when we take him outside but going number 2 sometimes will take a few minutes. We take him out about once an hour or so. When we have him out of his crate and in the house he is either on our laps or we are playing with him or he is closely watched and we dont let him stand still. (dont want to risk it) We'll play with him for a while and back he goes into his crate. I think he likes it cause then he can take a nap! He doesnt seem to mind being in his crate and he likes his little pet taxi too. some times I think he likes it better than his crate. As for toys he has 4 toys, a rope, a tennis ball, a nylon (i think?) bone and a toy I got him at walmart, I cant think of what its called but its rubber like and an edible center. He seems to really like them all. We keep the bone ones in his crate and the rope and ball we play with when he is out side his crate. I hope this helps. On a funny side note, the neighbor was out yesterday with his dogs and they (neighbors dogs) were jumping around and Scooter just watched them and then wouldnt let them past him and we were laughing over it cause he is a herding dog for herding sheep and they were small white poodles.....
Yeah I am crate training her.. she is doing much better now! Today she had an upset tummy and I gave her some peptio, which helped with that problem.

The only thing now is that she seems to have a pretty mean growl =/ She only really growls viciously at my mom when they are playing... She doesn't do that to me at all. I can touch her, ears, mouth, feet.. and she just lets me. At the vet on Saturday she growled at the vet for touching her mouth.. The vet took her and flipped her over at on to her back in her arms... Harley wouldn't stop whining, she fought it. If I do that... she quiets right down and begins to fall asleep lol

I took her for a mile long walk on Sunday. She met with a lot of different people/kids and other doggies. She growled at one girl that got close to her mouth. She also growls at people walking past the house or at the neighbors that were getting into their cars earlier this evening. I read a forum earlier with someone who had a similar problem with this. Is it just Corgi behavior to do it? I say a firm no when she is going after my pant legs or beings to nip at my hands, which she does then stop. It usually takes a couple good No's to get her off of my pant legs though.
Hmmm.... Scooter doesnt like his mouth messed with either.
Is Arlequin up to date with her shots? My vet told me to avoid taking Mr. Spock out to socialize until he gets his shots. I feel bad for the little guy, since it will be weeks until he is done with all of the shots.
Yep! she has all her shots up to date besides the ones that she needs next week when she is 10 weeks
I would be careful of where you take her until she has more of her boosters done personally. Even if she is up to date on her shots, that doesn't mean she is fully protected until she's done with the full series (which I believe is 14 weeks?). I would definitely avoid areas with lots of unfamiliar dogs.

I started taking Luke to my vet's play time after his second set of shots, but I know for a fact that the other dogs that attend are fully immunized and healthy, otherwise I wouldn't. You could check with your vet, or your local animal shelter, or even the doggie daycares in your area and see if they offer any play times specifically for puppies.


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