I have a tri colored Pembroke boy that is desperately seeking his forever home. We acquired him from a couple who decided they did not have the time or patience for him. We would keep him if we could, but we lease a townhome and are only allowed 2 dogs, which we have. Unfortunately since these people didn't take any time for this little boy he is 8 months old and not really potty trained. He needs someone patient who can work with him. He is very good about not jumping up or getting up on furniture. He's great with my 2 year old and her 4 year old cousin. He is also great with cats and our two dogs. I really want this little guy to find some loving people to give him the home he deserves, right now he is outside a majority of the time and all he wants is to be with people. We are located in the Mid-Michigan area. I do have pictures also, if interested. Thanks and look forward to hearing from anyone who can help him out!!!

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I think there was someone in MI looking for a corgi a few months ago but I don't remember who. I'll try looking it up.


Thank you for helping!

Good memory, Sam!
Joyce O'Brien just posted that she is looking for a rescue and she is in Ohio.
Thanks everyone! I messaged Izzy in Detroit, and ill let Joyce in Ohio know too, thanks again!!

He is the one in the middle... Sorry so blurry, but they were on the move!

Im sorry to keep pushing, but its getting down to crunch time for this little boy. He needs to find a home,and quick! My father is watching him, but doesnt think he can do it much longer.  Im not sure what to do.... to add to the time crunch, we are moving to a military base within the next few months, and can't have more than 2 animals.  Anyone with some ideas or room in their home please let us know, this little guy has a huge heart and needs a family to fill it.


can you contact a rescue? What about LakeShore Corgi rescue....I think they might also be in MI ??????? Please don't wait...find a Corgi rescue. If you need more info I will check it out for you....he's a cutie!!!!!

Lakeshore does cover Michigan as far as I know.


Here is the contact info:

Surrender Contact

Megan McGuire

Here you go...Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue. To surrender a dog .


Megan McGuire




It says that it could take a bit for them to get back to you as they all work full time. Please contact them now before you run out of time. Good Luck and keep us updated.

Thank you, I will call tomorrow morning, I feel awful having him bounce around. The corgi rescues don't put them down do they? I just want to make sure he gets a family and a home he deserves.
No ....the corgi rescues don't put them down and they are very spoecific as to who gets them. They have applicatiopns and many require a home visit before placiung a dog. I can't say what Lakeshore does BUT they were very helpfull when I got 4 rescue corgis! Good Luck!


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