Corgi's are strong...what toys do you own that your dog does not destroy?

Hellooo! I am just looking for some ideas on this subject. My boyfriend thinks I am crazy because I have probably spent $250.00 on dog toys in the last 7 months for our maggie. I want things to keep her busy when we cannot play with her. Her favorite toys are balls, but not for when she plays by herself. We finally found a good, strong, rubber tug toy today, but I am wondering, what do your dogs like to play with? Every single stuffed toy she has had got destroyed with in 15 mins. She doesn't like kongs. She is now down to probably 10-12 toys, all balls with the exception of 2 rubber bones, 1 busy buddy, and one busy bone and her new rubber tug. Any thing your corgi's love?

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we got harlly a tuffy the other day.. she destroyed it the same day just like everything else.. if it has a seem it doesn't matter what its made of she can get into it lol
Westpaw dog toys are super tough, and are guaranteed.

I work at a dog daycare- so the dogs are pretty tough on toys. The westpaw Zogoflex toys are the only thing that stands up.

My own dogs aren't too tough on toys, and pretty much anything rubber lasts a while.
Dunno if Antler sticks are toys, but they sure last and my corgi loves it
As far as toys go, my dogs ddon't show much interest in playing with them.
They are aggressive chewers, though and for that I buy Choo hooves.They last forever. Okay, well, a fw weeks which is more than I can say for most chews in this house.
Keep in mind with chews to stay away from rawhides, ESPECIALY pressed rawhides. bones are excellent, but stay clear of anything cooked, smoked, or any weight-bearing bones femurs, knuckles) of hooved animals. These bones are designed to carry over 1000 lbs and are much more dense than your pup's teeth.
I've not heard of buying hooves. I stay clear of pig ears, Ella got "tummy" sick after we gave her one. I stay away from the rawhide as well because she is beef allergic. Are they only beef hooves?
Ella's favorite chewy is a red spiky thing that I got from Wal-Mart.
Their is one comment on the website that says it can get chewed up easy. However Ella has had it for months and tries to destroy it every day- it's slobber covered but looks like new.
She also loves those nylon bones, those work well and they are crazy hard to destroy. I've notice that they make the nylon bones in tons of shapes and all kinds of companies make them.
One of the "toys" Sami has is a shirt (no buttons), a pole with a rope did have a ball tied to it but well we won't talk about the fate of the ball right now, so we tied a multi colored cloth toy that is braided to it now for her to play tug-a-war with. Most all toys days (some hours or minutes) are very limited time wise we just don't tell them that when we buy them! We also will take Sami to PetSmart and let her pick out her own toys sometimes. I am still looking for a Bag O "Tags" like the ones on the stuffed animals, Sami just looooooves to pull on those little tags! Know they don't make a bag of these but would be a good seller if someone did.
The only thing we have found that our dogs love and can't destroy are the Nylabones. We buy the ones that are about 9 inches long. Every morning I pick all 5 up, laying around the house and put them in the livingroom dog bed. They pick them up and carry them all over during the day. They will sit and chew them for hours. The only bad thing is sometimes a hard little piece gets chewed off. Chepstow will leave it but Tenby will try and chew it some more. We try and check the bones on a regular basis for loose pieces.
We had to ban the very popular nylabones because Sparty (always intense) chews so hard on them that he cracked a molar and wore a lot of the enamel off his back teeth. He still has cow bones because he doesn't crank on them so hard. Too bad, because they were his favorites and Misty and Izzy loved them too. No stuffed toys because Misty can not have them because she eats them. So that leaves tennis balls, cow bones and Kongs. Kong has a great series called Air Kong that they all love and can't tear up.
I guess I've been lucky, my Corgi was a strange puppy who absolutely refused to play with any toy whatsoever (quite frustrating after the hundreds of dollars I spent on all her puppy gear including a boatload of toys!). :) Anything I'd try to engage her with would get a whites-of-the-eyes, vacant "Are you crazy??" look. I call her Benjamin Button b/c it's like she's aged backward. Now that she's over a year old she LOVES toys, but it took her until now to be interested in anything. She's also not too bad with the destruction of things; she'll destroy it eventually if she's bored enough, but she's not in any hurry and only does that as a last resort if I don't keep her exercised. Her favorites lately are the toys at Wal-Mart that have some kind of battery-powered sound to them that is activated by the dog shaking them, or other motion (she has a pig and a rooster; the pig oinks and the rooster crows)...but I wouldn't recommend them for a dog that would take it apart. ;-)

Will your dog still play with the toy even after it's "destroyed"? (unstuffed, etc) As long as it's not in an unsafe condition, I'd let her keep it as long as she's interested. Probably the destruction is part of her fun. :) Good luck!!! ~Allison and Heidi
haha yeah she does. She enjoys destroying stuffed things. lol


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