My family and I are having troubles with our 11/2 yr old corgi . I am not sure what is the best way to go. Here is the situation: we are a family of four (myself, husband, and two younger daughters), we have a a 10month old German Shorthair puppy, and  a cat. Maggie (the corgi) is proving to be a handful. As of late, she has been peeing on any carpeted surface, no longer responds when called, and has taken to finding as many ways possible to get out of our backyard. I should mention that she is our first Corgi and the first time we have had two dogs.  We have done basic training with her, but I will be the first to admit that we as a family have not worked very hard with her.  She is generally VERY loving, yet she has shown aggression towards our newish puppy (Some I would expect). As a family we are trying to decide if we should attempt to go through more training with her or see if she would perhaps be better in a different home. I feel guilty about even mentioning that we may want to find her a new home. Are Corgis really this stubborn to learn, or are we just bad corgi parents?   any advice would be much appreciated!!

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Stress can definatly cause dog troubles. My corgis are very receptive to my stress and get more "barky" the more stressed I am. Livvy(my most difficult) lives to play ball (the small fetch it ball) and if I faithfully do this at least 3 times a day she is much happier. She also carries this ball around almost like a security toy.


I would have her checked for physical problems BUT it does appear that you are a very busy person.


Good luck!

Not a counselor, just lived a long time :-)  Your animals respond to your energy, their sensing mechanisms are more fine tuned than people. Not only can their behavior be affected by your stress levels, and stress in the environment, so can their health.  They can act like canaries in the mines, giving you a warning before you suffer the consequences in your own life or physical heath.. Many who will not cut back on stress for their own sake, will do so when they realize the impact it can have on their animals or children.  I hope you can find ways to cut yourself a little more slack.

In our house, Edison comes over and furiously licks the face of anyone who's crying or upset.  And when my husband and I have a spat, he jumps up in a request to be held.  It's amazing how fast having a dog in your arms drains the tension out of a situation.  :)  However, not all dogs have the experience/maturity to know how to deal with stressed-out humans.  Is there a dog training class you can take with her?  It'll help reinforce appropriate behavior and give her your undivided attention for at least an hour a week, both good things.  I don't know how old your daughters are, but they may also benefit from sitting in at a dog training class; it never hurts for kids to understand their pets better.  :)  

And to answer your original question, corgis as a breed tend to be fairly people-pleasing and therefore are generally willing to learn if you give them reasonably consistent expectations and training (much like small children).  And unlike children, you can buy their good behavior with a piece of dried chicken jerky almost forever.  ;)

Hi there!

Just checking in - Let us know what the vet said and how things are going when you have a chance.  

Wishing you the best!

Lindsey and Leia

Thanks for asking. Maggie does not have a UTI, generally speaking she does not have any physical issues. Our vet said to try another training class. The next class however does not start for another 6 weeks. GRRRRrr

Whenever we have brought a new dog in the house our older dog had accidents. We had a lot of behavior issues with Snickers including potty accidents. We started the nothing is free training a year ago and she has totally turned around. She very seldom gets walks and the dogs are usually home without people at least half of every day, which did not change. The training made all the difference for her. Many posters suggested you give her more attention, just remember that she has to earn it! We had professionals help us with our training, and they said with a dog with more problems than ours, they have the owners ignore the dog for a week (except for meeting basic needs) The dog would get NO attention at first. Your attention is very important to them and they have to earn it. Like I said this made a huge difference in Snicker's behaviour and loveablilty. Please don't give up on your corgi, they are fabulous dogs once they are trained.

 A lot of people have suggested the " nothing is free" training. We have started using it, but it is too early to notice any major changes.  Much of what you mentioned seems to apply to us. My family and I do not have the ability to do walks everyday, we have a large backyard. The dogs are only left alone for a couple of hours at the most and at the moment Maggie has gone back to being put in her crate since she like to pee on any form of carpet. I wish I could say that I could spend all the time in the world to train her and give her all the extras. I can not imagine giving her more attention than the already constant attention we give. Perhaps it comes down the the type of attention?   We are still working on things, she is a member of our family!!!

Hi Laura,it seems you have yourself in a nasty position,Maggie is probably feeling unsure about her place in the family,you stated you have gotten a new puppy? Your kids are probably playing with the new puppy, everyone is probably paying more attention to the new puppy. It is great that you are now paying more attention to Maggie ,I read in a dog handler book years ago that a dog who craves attention will do anything to get it,including things they know are wrong,including peeing or territorial marking. I am confident you will resolve this,be patient,let Maggie find her place in your thing,corgis are fastidiously clean, any corgi I have ever owned will not pee or mess in the house unless it was a peeped or petloo..


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