I know corgis love their food but wow, mine doesnt let me forget when its dinner time!!!

How does he let me know its time for him to eat, well of course with his big bossy bark!!!
I actually was feeding him dinner around 5 or 5:30. I then switched his feeding to an earlier time because, I thought maybe since he was eating breakfast around 7:30 that he was just eating dinner too late. He now eats dinner at 4:00 and guess what? Yes, he is still barking letting me know its time to eat, lol.

I dont think it matters what time I feed him he would automatically adjust to that time and start barking anytime of the day he would eat. I think he has a built in timer, lol.

Lance really doesnt do this for breakfast though, once in awhile but not alot for breakfast but dinner oh yeah!!

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No, but Ein knows that he's going to get food when I'm holding his food and water bowls. He follows me to the garage and waits all floppily by the door while I fill up his bowl. Then when I come into the house, he sprints all happily into our room and awaits for the bowls to touch the ground and chows down.
Yeah, daylight savings really messes with them! Even the dobe knows when it is dinner time and she is usually clueless!
How do they let you know, do they bark at you, like feed me before I starve like Lance? LOL
All three of them begin to watch me closely about a half hour before dinner. If I so much as move (ie put my magazine down or close the computer) they all jump up and run into the kitchen. If I go in there Sparty (Mr. Noisy) barks until I pull out their bowls. The doberman drools and Izzy jumps up and down while licking her chops. It is very exciting around our house at dinner! If I don't go in the kitchen, they all lay back down and stare. It is kind of fun to do that just to tease. LOL
Brody has a very "sublte" routine. They are usually fed around 5pm, so, at 4:55 he comes over, sits in front of me and stares. At 5:05 he starts letting out little "hoofs" by 5:15 he starts pacing and may add a small bark. After that he'll just run upstairs and wait on his rug.
This is going to seem unbelievable (I actually didn't believe it at first), but Stella just started barking for dinner and she's only 5 months old! At first, I thought she had to go out or wanted me to rescue a bone she managed to put in an unreachable place. But most of the time I had just taken her out. I started to notice she was doing this around the same time in the afternoon and she was also looking toward the kitchen. Well, as soon as she saw me pick up her bowl, she stopped! I just started switching her feeding schedule from 3 to 2 times a day and trying to figure out when her dinner should be. I guess she's decided for me! She also lets me know if I forget her treat in the morning after she goes out. She's been doing that for a while, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised about the dinner bark!
Mine just seem to gather closer and closer to my feet and follow me until I remember that I haven't fed them yet... in the morning it's out the door to go potty and there in shortly for breakfast!
Arent these guys great? I love hearing all the stories .......yeah Lances bark is very loud or maybe I should say demanding lol!!!! Keep the stories coming. :)
If I'm late with supper, Gwynnie gets the Smith & Wesson out of the gun safe and starts ostentatiously cleaning it and reloading it.
Big Al starts muttering things like, "Nice carpet ya got in da livin' room... too bad if sumthin' was ta... happen to it..."
LOL....your answers are always very amusing. :)
LOL thats so corgi of Lance! Our Late boy Jack and now Gwenie both say dinner now! She barks at 4 pm for her dinner. Breakfast as long as she gets it by 8 am she is quiet. They are as we all know the smartist breed! Give lance a big hug for us!
Duncan does the "Corgi Mind Bore' when it's dinner time. Breakfast is usually around 6 AM, that is, if dad is up or moving. Since my husband has been laidoff, Duncan thinks he can't eat until he is up. But, if my husband isn't up by 6:30 when I leave for work, Duncan gets him up.


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