I am a history buff, and I'm always watching the history channel or military channel. Well, when Hitler speaks or Nazi propaganda comes on, my Wynstan goes nuts; he barks and growls at the screen until it comes off. He also dislikes most villains in movies, especially the Joker in the Dark Knight.

He also doesn't like Louis from Family Guy and despises those singing commercials.

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Maybe Wynstan will have that "intuition" and will let you know when he picks up on something that in not right or not good! My Wynn loves almost everyone but there are a few people that his hair goes up and he instantly dislikes! I have lived with him long enough to trust his instincts with this and I actually take him with me occasionally to be my judge! Weird but very true!!!!
Yeah for Wynstan!!
Algy only thinks he's a superhero when we have to pick him up to let him down from something, like the bed, and we say "Super corgi! Away!"

Wynstan seems to have built in bully-blockers! You should get him a cape and goggles. I bet he'd be very, very cute!!
Wonder how he'd react to Charlie Chaplin giving his famous speech as Fuhrer at the end of "The Great Dictator"?

"I don't want to be anybody's Emperor..."

To me, leaders in public always sound creepy, pro-forma, for-public-consumption while they're in office, and start sounding human again when they're not. Wonder if dogs can tell the difference.
Gem thinks she's a superhero when she gets in the car! We call her Captain corgi cuz she perches herself on the front dash with her feet and nose forward and watches what's going on!!
Finnigan likes to watch the Dog Whisperer. He wants to be a people whisperer when he grows up.
My dog doesn't like bears on TV (and no, he's not a Packers fan :))

If I had your Wynstan, I'd take him out on dates.
I will have to remember that, sometimes I think he has a better judge of character than I do.

"Sorry, I can't seem to go on another date with you because Wynstan doesn't like you." Not sure how well it would go over, but worth a shot.
Seanna thinks she is everything....we keep having the talk that she's not, but she's not listening.


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