If Ollie hears a sneeze, then he immediately starts barking REALLY loud, and bolts as fast as he can toward the perpatrator - getting RIGHT UP against their face and continuing to bark, and sometimes nip. Needless to say, it's not an enjoyable experience.
He totally freaks out. Even if you gasp - like your ABOUT to sneeze, he'll freak out. At first we thought it was kinda funny - we even fake sneeze sometimes when he won't come when we call him. If we have guests however, this is unacceptable.
I thought maybe I could reward him when he doesn't freak out, and maybe that would help him learn. There simply isn't a time that he doesn't go completely ape-$#@! when someone sneezes. So, i'm at a loss for how to correct this issue. I was trying to train him yesterday, and a fake sneeze of mine was answered with a headbutt resulting in a fat lip. Any tips?