Because of all the discussions about emergency situations we have had here lately, I've been putting together a doggie first aid box. We talked about having Ipecac syrup on hand, but after searching several stores and not finding it, I asked the pharmacist. It seems Ipecac has been taken off the market by the FDA. INteresting, since it was a standard item in our medecine cabinets for decades! I remember the hospital "welcome baby" basket had a small bottle of Ipecac in it. Of course this was 20 years ago, LOL


Do any of you know about an alternative to Ipecac? What can we use if our dog injests something that is dangerous, short of rushing to the emergency vet? It seems the FDA wants people to call the Poison Control board if a human is involved. As the injestor, not the injestee, that is.

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one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (5 ml) per 10 lbs of body weight.


charcoal tablet, it acts as a sponge internally.
do you give the hydrogen peroxide neat, or dilute it in water?
yes, you can get 3% hydrogen peroxide from walmart / walgreens :)
remember that hydrogen peroxide is light-sensitive.
We always have hydrogen peroxide on hand, along with an oral syringe for dispensing it. This decision was made after Miss Mollybuns decided on Christmas morning that eating a packet of silica gel sounded like a fine idea...
Those silica packets are corgi magnets, often come in dried foods, so are covered with yummy smells. I don't believe they're at all toxic, but an intact packet might pose an intestinal obstruction hazard.
Really? I thought they were toxic.
What other things do you put in your doggie emergency kit?
So far I have Benadryl tablets and a needle-less syringe. I'll add the hydrogen peroxide (in a brown bottle so protect it from the light). What else should I include?
what dose benadryl?
1 mg per pound it what's been posted on this site before. They come in 25mg capsules, and Sidney is 29 pounds, so I'd give him one tablet.
So my guy weighs 30#'s...give him 3 tsps. I'm wondering what is the shelf life of hydrogen peroxide? Is the idea to make him vomit? Does this work on ingested poisonous mushrooms?


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