so long story short i notice lowlow had been itching like crazy the last 3 days. i thought that maybe she got into something. i never thought that she would been infested, cause in the whole 2 years we have lived here i have never seen on flea on them or my last corgi. they have always been on flea meds as well. i flipped her over to find them all over her belly. immediately i gave both lowlow & torque a bath as well as the cats (i even threw the towels i used on the in a bag with a wash rag soaked in rubbing alcohol). i think i drowned most of the flea (i scrubbed them down & they soaked in shampoo, i saw a lot of dead fleas). this has never happened to me as i am always extremely careful & a clean freak. the only way i could imagine this could have happened was cause i just had torque spayed at the spca on april 2nd. & when i was in the parking lot i had a few fleas jump on me, that should have been a clue! i'm so angry with myself & i feel like a horrible corgi mommy! so here is my question they r due for their flea meds on the 25th, can i give it to them tomorrow (21st)? next question, i hate even the thought of it, but if they don't go away.....should i shave them? if i do will it mess up their fur when it grows back? probably a stupid question but i love my girls more than anyone will ever know & i would hate to screw up their hair.
i'm so frazzled right now. i am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off! i feel like this is all my fault :(
If you used Flea and Tick stuff it will hold off the invasion of further infestation for about 2 days. I'd recomend that you pick up a carpet Flea & Tick powder or if you can find it the non-toxic liquid stuff. Fleas as I recall are quite comfortable living in carpet and make a home there easily.
As for the medication I don't see why it would hurt to give it to them a few days early. I'm not exactly Mr. Ontime when it comes to my dog's medications myself so it varies up to a week either way on most stuff. Jazmin is quite healthy and doing wonderful so that should bring some peice of mind to ya.
As for the not being a good puppy mom, you'll have to remember that Fleas are one thing that aren't really your fault, especally if they were gotten from somewhere else. Jazmin was infested and from time to time has relapses with Fleas, its a part of normal dog life and shouldn't be a deciding factor on your ability to care for the dogs.
Don and Crew
First, calm down and stop shaving your pets. It won't help. :-) Shaving pets is bad; their hair is there to protect them.
Second of all, put away the bleach. You don't need bleach to kill fleas. Wash everything that's washable (dog towels, bedding, sheets, throw rugs) in regular cycles and dry in the dryer on high. For items like bedding that can only be dried on low, put in the dryer on high for 15 minutes BEFORE you get them wet so they won't shrink, then wash and dry as normal. The dryer is what will kill them. You don't need bleach!! Or rubbing alcohol. A flea can't survive the dryer cycle.
Third, listen to your husband. It sounds like you are letting your emotional association with the critters take over instead of attacking the problem rationally. Growing up our house was spotless and yes we had fleas a few times. It happens. It's not the end of things and your pets will be fine.
Go ahead and treat the rug. Throw away the vacuum bag or wash and rinse the canister thoroughly outside. A flea collar in the vacuum bag will help too.
Talk to your vet about safe flea stuff for the cats, just for a month or two til the problem is solved.
And talk carefully to your vet about what flea medication you are using to make sure you are using it correctly. Talk about different ones, how they work, how fast they kill and what stages they kill.
Then just keep vacuuming thoroughly every few days. Vacuum the furniture. Vacuum the floors, paying attention to crevices where fleas might hide. Keep washing and drying the bedding and towels periodically (remember, the dryer will kill everything).
Hi Robyn,
CALM DOWN. Stop whatever you're doing or planning to do and LISTEN. When your emotions take over, your actions will never be logical, so get educated, follow the steps and you will be fine.
Here's a detail instruction on how to get rid of fleas, read it and follow it to the dot.
Return your clippers, keep your bleach under the sink, some animals can have adverse reaction to it, don't burn your animals with chemicals, go drink a glass of water and have a clear mind.
Unless you're on comfortis and capstar, no other flea medication will work as well. Generally other rx will either kill the adult or the egg alone, remember in the detail instruction? You must understand the flea cycle and know how to break it in order to be effective.
Fleas will jump between your cat and dogs, you have to treat both. Again, follow the instruction, you cannot do some of it and not others, or else it will not work.
NEVER EVER shave your animals unless it is a medical emergency, this IS NOT the case.
NEVER use bleach to mix with any common household products (ammonia / urine), the toxic fume will irritate your eyes and burn your lungs, yes, that includes your low to the ground animals.
DO NOT give your flea meds before it's due, rx dosage is based on weight, don't create more trouble because your head is not thinking straight.
Calm down, take a deep breath, your result will not be instant, it will take time to break the flea cycle, let us know if you have any questions. Good luck!
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