We will be flying LAX to JFK with our 20 lb. Corgi, Lucy, in an airline approved, soft-sided Sherpa carrier. The plane has only a 4 row business and the rest of the seats are coach. Last time we flew with Lucy we were in the 1st of the 4 rows of business class and there was no seat in front of us to store Lucy and her carrier. There were also no other seats in business with room in front to store a carrier because they changed the seats to recline, leaving less than 3" of space under the seat in front. The flight attendants had the right to move Lucy & carrier behind the 4th row seats, and threatened many times to do it. Has anyone had experience flying a dog on Delta in the business class rows # 1-4, or coach?

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We flew with a SCREAMING baby, for 6 hours, in the row behind us. The crazy thing is that when took our seats for the return flight, the same baby was behind us again! At least on the return flight the baby slept. I can understand flight attendants not being pleased when they see dogs or babies!
Ew, if I tried to fly Al in Business class, he'd pee in my shoes. It's First Class or nothing. Al wants a Gulfstream V.
Next thing I know, these two are gonna start playing golf.
@John Wolff- haha! You'll have to let Lucy borrow Al's Gulfstream. Golf is good. They're probably bored with tennis balls!
I wonder if the airline would believe a corgi as a seeing eye dog??
probably not, but if your corgi have a CGC , TDI patch on the vest, he / she can pass as a service dog :)

For the record ( since I do fly with a Service Dog) In accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990:

"IMPORTANT:  It is illegal to label your dog as a Service Dog if you are not disabled.  You can pay a fine of up to $6000 and spend six mos in jail--it's called impersonating a SD and it's fraud.
Federal Law states that a Service Animal is NOT a pet.  According to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), a service animal is any animal that has been individually trained to provide assistance or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a physical or mental disability which substantially limits one or more major life functions. Additionally, many states have their own laws which follow up on the federal law in more detail."

Anna, are you saying that a Service Dog has to be for an individual? Not that I ever plan on flying BUT Sage has her CGC as well as her TDI certification so I am just wondering.

The company that I work for is going above and beyond for a company by trying to get Sage to be able to come to work with me again. The landlord found out(we didn't know) that we cant have dogs so they are working with the landlord and writing a contract and paying a hefty deposit so that Therapy Dogs(Sage) can come to work...Sage has been so sad this last month not being able to come with. One of the women there is also getting her Therapist to recommend dog visits!

@ Jane, Yes a Service Dog is entitled, by Federal law, to have access anywhere the public is allowed because it performs the functions needed to assist the disabled person and only when accompanying that person.  That same dog, would not be allowed entry with someone else.  For example, my Service Dog can fly with me, but my husband would not have the right to fly with the dog as a Service Dog, even if it were for the purpose of bringing it to me. There are legal responsibilities tied to this as well for the owner.  TDI and CGC would not fall in this category.

Therapy Dogs do not have any such rights under Federal Law, but State, County or Municipal laws or ordinances could apply in different jurisdictions. I think working things out with the landlord ( I imagine this is the owner of the building where you work) is the best option under the circumstances.  Their contract  can say no dogs allowed except working therapy dogs ( not all therapy dogs are certified, some Institutions have their own training and screening programs).

If I were the landlord, I would want a release from any liability, rather than a hefty deposit. Many nursing homes, hospitals, and hospices regularly have Therapy Dogs visiting, I'm surprised this is an issue for the landlord, maybe he should have been brought into the picture sooner and that's what got his dander up....good luck.

Good Luck flying with Lucy. I plan on buying Gwenie a ticket for her own seat and Iam not real happy with Delta. They tend to treat pets baggage and I know you & Lucy your wonderful. Good Luck. Princess Gwenie says fly safe!
@ Kitty Kirwin- I have already reserved and will pay for Lucy to fly with us in the business class passenger cabin. Can I actually buy, not only space, but a seat for Lucy on Delta or another airline that flies non-stop from LAX to JFK?
How did it go with Lucy? I am attempting to bring our 22 lb Corgi on Delta also. He fits in the large 20x11.5x11 soft carrier. Was that the size you used? Guess they want the length to be 18". Are they sticklers over 2 inches? Please get back to me.
How did it go? What size was your carrier? Im flying Delta with my Corgi this summer. He needs the large 20 x11.5 x11. Was that the size of yours?
Thank you


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