baden has been growling at the neighbors every time he sees them now. he has seen them and known them every since we brought them home.this morning he really made me mad because he was growling and  charged at the fence at full speed with is hair raised. i caught him just in time and had to scuff him because he had no collar. he knew he was bad because he peed the moment i caught him and rolled over. i told him no and he was a bad dog, the moment i let him go he ran to the house still growling at their direction. he has been doing this for 3weeks now.

another thing i noticed is the moment he gets out of the car he will growl and bark and look in all directions to see if anyone is there. he has always been some what dominant (showing off) but when he realizes the dog or person wants to say hi and be friendly he stops and is happy go lucky again.

he also bullies dollar now. when i pet her he will go between us and sit on my feet and if i ignore him he will grab my hand with his teeth and pull it away. if i scold him dollar will think it was her and run away and hide. so its no winning situation.

im trying to do nothing in life is free at the moment where he has to sit for everything but now its gotten to the point where he just ignores me. ever for his food or toys he will just turn his back on me and walk away like "forget it" he went a whole day without eating because he refused to sit.

advice please? hes sweet but its starting to get to where he will growl at every little thing

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Welcome to the "teenage"months! I would try to change his association with these things to a positive one by treats before he starts to growl and more if he continues to not growl. Will your neighbor participate by giving a treat (that you supply) ?This is a good time to teach "watch me" by holding a treat up by your eye and saying watch me...when he looks you in the eye give him a treat. It changes his focus. They go through stages of fear, bullying etc and usually it is just a matter of changing the association. Classes would be great if you can do it. There are different opinions about bothering the other dog but I always put a stop to it even if I have to leash the offender. Exercise and exposure to many people and controlled situations is also great at this time.

i thought he was going through the teenage stage. i never thought of asking them, i hope they would be willing to help me out. it seems to be only them though, if  i bring him down town he goes up to everyone. even if they are in the distance. i will try giving the watch me command a try i just hope he dosnt turn him back on me lol he does that a lot now.

usually if i give a correction he will stop but lately he will ignore me the first couple of times. how long does this last?  

Don't give him a chance to ignore you a couple of times.  If you tell him to do something and he doesn't do it within 5-10 seconds, make him do it.  Then praise him as if he had done it all by himself.  

Is he neutered? 

yes, he was neutered at 6months

This is territorial aggression, which is why he's friendly to people off his own turf.  Talk with the neighbors and see if you can get them to first greet him out in front of their house and have them give him a treat and get petted. He should be fine outside his property.  If this is the case, then work on what Bev suggested.  I would have him on a long leash in the yard while you practice gatting treats from the neighbor, so you can correct any unwanted response.   Since your husband is away, he may be taking it upon himself to be "in charge" and this should not be encouraged.

im going to give this a try, what i have also noticed is (like today) we took him out the backyard and the kids were playing/running up and down the fence. he didnt growl/bark at all in fact he wanted to play. its when the adults are just standing there making no noise is when he growls. almost like "what is that? mom theres a weirdo over there" once they walk he realizes they are human and hes perfectly fine but the front yard it dosnt matter. he will growl if they are moving, even if its the kids.

we do have some foliage so we can have a "privacy" fence so maybe he cant see very well? 

I found that it was easier to correct one dog if they both know their names. If Dollar doesn't know her name, it would be a good thing to teach her. She will come to learn that "Dollar, NO" does not mean her. I play a game with my 3. We sit on the floor. I put down a kibble and say leave it (while waving my hand over the food). Then I point to the kibble and say one dog's name. That dog gets the food and they all get praise. This obviously took time to teach, but has been well worth it in many situations.

that would be something neat to teach:) yesterday i worked with both of them. i made him sit every time he wanted to be petted and then i would call dollar and say "dollars turn" while holding my hand up(she does know her name) baden would sit waiting and then i would go over to him and say "badens turn and she laid there and waited until i was done. its a start as i know i got a long road ahead with training and discipline but they are smart and will pick it up


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