for some time teddy has been growling at people that are far away and are just passing by or any dog that is walking by. he will stop once he meets them but still....and i have corrected him every time but he just dosnt stop unless i really raise my voice and he then knows that he will get a time out. if the person is pretty close he watches them closely and if i walk him into the other direction he just turns back around to keep watching them untill they are gone and i still correct him. i have even tried the positive approach by if he saw a person and didnt react i would give him a treat and say "friend' it didnt work that well if they were in the distance. and i noticed that  he really hates it if they are wearing black.

i really dont get what his problem is. he even has been doing it if theres noise in the house. he just walks around growling. also when people are at the door. he not once has ever reacted to someone at the door but now if hears them outside he just walks around growling. he dosnt bare his teeth or anything just..growls. it also makes it hard for when he goes potty because after he sees someone he will not go. 

i was really hoping by him being neutered that it would stop but it hasnt even been a week yet so that maybe why. so does anyone have any ideas with this as i am honestly fed up with it. its been going on for two months even though i correct him every time

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Do you have any friends or relatives who would be willing to be "passerbys" and give him a treat every time they come by? Maybe associating the yummy treat with the unfamiliar person would help.

I'm assuming he's still fairly young? Maybe an obedience class would be something to look into so he becomes more comfortable with strangers/strange dogs.
that is a really good idea but we are moving in a few days so it would be hard to do that :( . i have tried using treats with people walking by and if he was quiet i gave him a treat and said"friend" so when ever we pass by someone i say that. it worked for a few days and then he just kept growling again. he is only 10months and he just got fixed. what i dont get is that he was very well socialized to other dogs as a pup but now he is terrified of them, unless there his size. he gets scared and runs away and if he cant he makes this weird sounds and runs to me. i take him everywhere with dogs but it dosnt help
Is he ok with strangers after they are close or does he continue to growl and act upset? Franklin growls at people and dogs far off in the distance but once he sees them closer he stops and gets happy and greets them. I think for him its just bad vision. If he does act somewhat unfriendly towards people I would definately get a trainer for help. You don't want that behavior to escalate into potentially a bite in the future. Get somebody who knows what they are doing to help you stop it NOW.
Franklin also walks around the house growling if he hears something outside, to correct this behavior I have used a squirt bottle and it seems to work very well.
teddy is very friendly and loves to be greeted by other people so once the people get near to him he calms down. unless its another dog, he just trys to get far away as possible. i was thinking that he couldnt see very well or something but my vet says hes fine. maybe he just dosnt know the people in the distance and is scared? im not sure. but they dont bother him if they say hi or are close to him so he can see there face. but no he dosnt act unfriendly to people who approach him. he gets very excited and i agree with the squirt bottle. he hates it and he does stop after i do that but im not sure how he would react if he seen me with it outside lol
This could be just a stage. I just gave my dogs a tug (leash correction) and a firm no when they went through that stage and it passed quickly.
Have you thought about a doggie daycare? Jordan was kinda of a dumb puppy and would great dogs in a way that would get him into trouble. I started taking him to a wonderfull doggie daycare when he was 9 months old so he could learn to be good around other dogs not just annoying. The daycare provides me with socialization in a controlled situation with a health gaurentee of the other dogs all vacinations/spay, nueter must be done for them to go. It also teaches Jordan/Teagen to be independant from me and to be okay with other humans correcting them. Some daycares also board so some days are better than others.We started on Mondays because it was a closed day only certain dogs could go that day and as Jordan became better we moved to Fridays because the pack changes constantly with the weekend boarders.
i have thought about it but in dc everything is sooo far away from base. if u want to go to walmart u have to drive about 25mins there. but here in sc i found a camp called camp bow wow and i have heard wonderful things but since i couldnt get teddy neutered till now they wouldnt let him got there so i had a dog sitter with 3of her dogs watch him when things were just to busy for us. he didnt like the boxer mix but loved to chase this Chihuahua there lol i really wish he would love other dogs. he dosnt mind smaller ones but taking him to the dog park is sometimes out of the question as he just gets so nervous and scared. he had one bad experience with a dog as a pup but all he did was bark at him
Rufus was doing the same thing at 7 months of age, and he had been a big people greeter before that. I decided it was a stage, and it seems to be passing. He still sometimes barks at people far away, and as he runs outside he barks, but the growling and most of the barking have passed in the last month and a half.
im hoping its a stage lol one day he wont care but then another day anyone that is walking by he goes crazy(if they are far away) he even growls for no reason. i have no idea why


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