FYI: I HAVE CLOSED THIS DISCUSSION TO KEEP IT FROM BECOMING (or continuing to be) A DEBATE ABOUT DE-BARKING. Still have no solution to the barking issue, but I have accepted he is just a corgi being a loud mouthed corgi!



Franklin has always been a talker, he's a corgi its not surprise. The problem is that when he plays, EVERY TIME he plays he has this high pitched bark and its driving me insane! I can't take him to play with other dogs because he just herds them and barks and barks and barks, when I throw a toy for fetch he barks and barks and barks until he gets to the toy, any and every play activity makes him bark. HELP! What can I do to stop this or at least cut it down a bit? I've told him quiet, tried to calm the play, re-direct his attention, etc and it continues. Need advice! I don't want him to be "that dog" when he is in play groups and I don't even want to begin to think of what my neighbors are thinking when we are playing!




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The video of the Cardi herding cows was a real eye-opener for me when I first saw it.  It explained so much of my dogs' behavior!
I had to resort to a bark collar for Livvy (I know but I was desperate!) She maybe has had 6 times where she was shocked. Now when I put it on which is very seldom she has learned not to bark and honestly she knows when I slip it on she can bark once or twice but continous barking and it will shock her. I actually don't even know if the batteries are still good. Livvy herds everything but does not bark when chasing balls. It took me months to decide if I should get one and we tried it on my son-in-law 1st, people tested for my Livvy:) might want to have a good relationship with relatives you ask to try this out:)
Lol! You must be some smooth talker Jane! :)

I am desperate to try something for my Baxter, he barks non-stop and I am afraid the neighbors are not very happy. I have been looking at bark collars but have no idea which one to try. Which one did you get, and did you also do research prior to buying the collar? I feel bad, but if I dont do something I am afraid I will go insane! He barks contstantly its crazy! I have tried verbal discipline and even squirting him with water, he just ignores it and keeps barking! Any info you could share would be great!


Thank you!

@Anna Morelli - Amen!


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