How do you keep your house clean living a corgi/corgis?

Hi All, not sure if this has been discussed before but how do you keep your house clean living a corgi/corgis?
We have a Roomba that we run everyday to manage the hair shedding and I clean the tiles area every second day but still there would be paw marks & hairs everywhere.
Do you wipe your dog's paws after walks? Do you clean them up after pee/potty?
I've read somewhere that corgis are not supposed to have the bad doggie smell. Is this true?
For those who let your dog sleep in the bedroom with you, how do you manage?
Thanks guys

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I keep the house clean by vacuuming with the trusty Bissell, once every week and laundering clothes that are covered in corgi hair!
I wipe my corgi's paws when it has rained and his paws are muddy from the backyard (we don't have grass yet).
I don't clean him after potty because it's not needed!
I don't think my corgi has the bad doggy smell...maybe it's true?
We have his dog bed on the floor and he sleeps in it soundly until we wake up and he wakes up at the same time as us.
You must have a really good washer, I can never get rid of corgi hair on clothes. I have to shake it off before washing, otherwise it just sticks. The dryer doesn't help either.
I have wood floors so its easy for me to clean up. I have a special vacuum for my floors and I vacuum every other day. I also furminate my dog at least once a week and do a daily brushing. I have finally gotten Maggie used to the brush and she loves it. Other than that, living with the fur is part of owning a corgi. It has gotten to the point at my house that we joke around about us eating, sleeping, and breathing corgi hair. I had a corgi before Maggie and I used to take her to the groomers twice a year to have a deshed on her. Its worth it however you have to use caution on who does this service because it can cause sever skin irritation if the groomer doesn't know what they are doing. And if you don't keep up with a daily brushing it defeats the purpose of getting the deshed service done. Since I bought the furminator I have decided not to have that done. As far as dog prints, I spot mop my floors daily. I keep a spray bottle full of a vinegar/water solution and at the end of everyday I spot mop my floors. I have 7 kids so its just something I have to do anyway. My corgi does not smell at all. Maggie is not a dirty dog and if she gets muddy she goes and jumps in the bathtub usually when my 19 month old is taking a bath. I only bathe her about once a month unless she gets really muddy from the rainy weather. Maggie usually sleeps with my husband and I and we manage good. She has become a bed hog recently so I had to get her a doggie bed,she has done pretty good. My husband is a train conductor so while he is out of town she sleeps with me and keeps his spot warm. I hope that has helped you a little bit. Corgis shed alot, its just a part of their breed and something we have to live with. I would rather live with that though than without my baby girl.
Thanks, Amy.
I'm just thinking ahead of when my baby would start to crawl in a couple of months time. With the fur everywhere, I'm afraid baby would get them in his mouth. How do you cope with baby and dog?

Novice mom :)
No matter how much you clean, the second the dog is within reach, she will put some part of it in her mouth, so I wouldn't worry so much about that.
What would be important to think about with baby crawling soon, is when you put flea medicine on the dog. If baby touched dog, and then baby touches mouth. Yuch.
Wow, how do I cope with the baby and the dog? I have to say I am exhausted by the end of the day. They both have so much energy but they do wear each other out. They race each other up and down the stairs, run in the backyard together......its great though that they are so close and my son is her pack leader. She will sleep next to his crib during his naps and before I go to bed. She has even been known to jump in the bathtub while he is taking a bath. They share each other's food. Its the typical a boy and his dog scenario. She does try to herd him especially when she was younger so when your baby starts crawling its something that you might want to watch for. Other than that I have never had a problem with the two of them. Course my corgi goes everywhere with us like she is one of the kids and I think that really makes a difference with the relationships in the family. As far as the fur problem I would just keep up with the vacuuming. I put a monthly dose of revolution on my dog that guards her against fleas, ticks, heartworms, and other parasites. I put it on her after the baby goes to bed at night so that its dry by the next morning. Maggie is basically my baby's second mother, her motherly instincts kicked in and she guards him with her life. She is closest to the baby than the other children. Is your dog crated at all? Sometimes if my baby is in a cranky mood and is playing rough with the dog, I will crate her for a little while just to give them space and until the baby calms down. Hope that helps and gives you some ideas.
I believe that Maggie is your babies 2nd mom as my corgis all love and protect my grandchildren...they also watch the parents every move My rescue Wiley is scared of children(no socialization?) I do an extra cleaning when the grand kids come!
A thought from a grandma....the only advice I would have is for the safety of the dog make sure he has a safe place (kennel or fence) to get away from the child and make sure baby doesn't follow the dog into the could cause trouble. My grandson loves to do this and so I sometimes need to lock the kennel door!There's a lot worse things that a child can get in their mouth than a little dog hair!
Dear novice,
You don't. I had a dog growing up no problem. My kids had dogs no problem. The kids are often dirtier than the dogs.Now my daughter has a baby and a dog and has had no trouble.Everyone of the dogs knew that the babies we special to the family. They protect and serve.
I have a love/hate relationship with my lovely hardwood floor, much of which I installed myself, before dogs. It is NOT the best surface for dogs, and more and more of it is getting covered with ugly inconvenient rubber-bottomed throw-rugs where the dogs need takeoff/landing and cornering surfaces. Dogs can hurt their legs/ACL by slipping on smooth floors.
We don't wipe paws or anything like that. I vacuum every day or two for his fur; he's not a big shedder, and I sweep daily.

Sidney does not smell bad at all; I work with a beagle, and boy does she smell! Whew!

Maybe it is because we live in So Cal, the dogs don't make much of a mess. Then again, my home definitely has a "lived in" quality. Nobody will mistake it for a model home!
I vacuum once per week (two if I have the time). Dust everything twice a week, do laundry once a week. I also clean their blankets and towels once a week. Everything that is "fur friendly" (bedspreads, covers, linens, towels, certain shirts) I laundry them together. There are others, that I keep them away from fur as much as possible (stuff for family visiting or clothes for work or going out).

I wipe their paws if its wet or muddy. Bath them once a month, "furminate" them out in the patio once a week (it helps a lot). They do sleep with me, but I think with my cleaning routine I keep the apartment pretty clean ( In my opinion, perhaps my mom would think differently LOL)


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