
I was wondering what type of fluff my puppy will grow into and then realized that I could always ask around here. It is a little tricky to tell because Kara's mum was a very lean corgi but her dad was quite a bit more fluffy. I was unable to meet the dad because his stud service was enlisted.


I have attached a picture of her parents, her litter, her as a tiny puppy, and one photo I managed to get today. Keep in mind part of the reason I was so intent on taking her picture today was because she just realized how good brushing can feel and was extremely cooperative. As a result she is definitely trimmer than normal due to my personal victory.



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She looks like she'll have a standard coat to me, not a fluffy. Her dam just looks like she's out of coat.
Thanks for the info and the compliments. It seems that my research on fur management is woefully inadequate if thats the result from losing a coat. A little scary, but glad to avoid future shock.
Is your pup the tri? If so, looks like a very cute standard coated Corgi to me.

ditto on the "looks standard"

as do the parents & siblings.

What a beautifully marked tri!!

Beautiful baby:) Regular coat.
She is gorgeous!  love that corgi smile!  What is her name?

She looks like she'll have a normal corgi coat to me, too.  She also looks ADORABLE!


Oooomigosh the lil' box o' pups.....WANT!  I'm missing having a puppy.


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