I grew up in a family that put the plates on the floor for the dogs to "clean" before they were washed- no garbage disposal needed! My husband is squeamish about a people spoon being used to scoop dog food, even though the dog never touches the spoon. Anything that is used for the dogs and might get confused with human stuff is given a shot of bright yellow spray paint. LOL. Where are you in dog germ spectrum?

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Our dogs clean off plates, spoons etc.  It all goes in the dishwasher right away or into the sink with HOT soapy water until it can get into the dishwasher.  We don't have a garbage disposal so we use the pig and the dogs get occasional goodies, not everyday and not a lot. 

I should mention here that KC, our first corgi, gets really peeved if she doesn't get her helping of biscuits and gravy on Sunday morning.  She usually gets hers on a small plate on the kitchen floor.  And I swear she knows when that is what we are having because she will not eat the dog food on that morning.

Glad my husband and I are not the only ones that allow our dog(s) to lick plates or eat off the silverware. Noodles has mastered the art of eating off a fork and it is so precious watching him do it. He is so dainty when taking the food off the fork and his teeth barely even touch the fork. Now for the spoon, he hasn't figured that one out yet. Noodles licks our plates as well, but of course everything is washed afterwards. I always have my dad's voice in my head when Noodles is "cleaning" our items because growing up my dad would always say our dishes were clean once our dog licked them clean. I remember one time he started to put the plate back in the cabinet because he was waiting for my mom to freak out...which she did. We all had a good laugh.

We feed mostly frozen raw ground meat from Darwin's, a local Seattle company.  It's allegedly "human grade" (kindly restrain your laughter).  We try to rigidly segregate raw meat (of all origins) in a metal pan on bottom shelf in the refrigerator -- this is normal hygiene, you don't want meat dripping onto your vegetables -- and we have dedicated dog food tools and bowls.  I avoid splashing and try always to handle the meat in the sink, one restricted place.  Always remember the possibility of pathogens in raw meat.

It's just ordinary kitchen meat-hygiene.  We do keep dog food stuff separate, but we treat it just like you should treat raw hamburger.  E. coli and all that.

I let the dogs lick our leftovers in human dishes all the time.  They go in the dishwasher.

Many pathogens and parasites spread via the oral-fecal route.  Urban neighborhood, I pick up my dogs' poop, and others'.  I am a plastic bag expert.  I've got a dedicated dogwalking fanny-pack.  I always wash hands after feeding or walking the dogs, at least 20-30 sec., often with a fingernail brush.  Pay attention to your fingertips.  About 1 bar of pumice hand soap per bag of dog kibble.  This out of courtesy to others; for myself I don't care at all (backpacking solo, I NEVER wash).  I already have all of my own germs, and my dogs', probably.

I don't kiss my dogs on the lips,  but they do it to me.  <lick>  I don't wanna know where that mouth has been.

Face it:  if you knew every spot in your house that's been touched by your dog's naked butt, you'd have to... MOVE.  :-)

Jared Diamond's interesting book Guns, Germs and Steel speculates that Europeans brought more diseases to America that vice-versa because Eurpoeans had more domestic animals and a long history of close association with them, and so they had more immunity to their zoonotic (animal-to-human) diseases.

I'm gonna die of *something*.  I'm almost certain of it.

Hey John...if you ever want a new job...you could be a Certified Food Manager...at least that's what you have to be in MN to have your own restuarant:) You could have a dog and people one:)

I let them lick plates sometimes.  I also put their bowls right in the same dishwasher load with our stuff.

I don't like dogs licking my face, though.  I've seen what they eat.  Yuck.  I also wash my hands after handling any petfood or treats.

Everything has germs, and I guess there is a chance you could get sick from " cleaned " plates.  My crew eat a bite of whatever we have from my fork and somebody licks the plate clean.  I just drop a little bleach in my wash water, then into the dishwasher.  I have a poor imune system so if this practice was bad I would have been dead by now.  I don't allow any french kissing and like everybody else I always have a little corgi with my meals

Based on the bloody towel on the floor... and the fact that I share my food with Waffle... and let him lick my dishes... probably off the spectrum. LOL.  I can't believe people actually freak out about dogs having licked people dishes.  That's what the dishwasher is for, yeah?  Once, when I was really thirsty, I grabbed his clean dog dish off the shelf, filled it with water, and chugged it.  My sister (extremely weakened immune system and awful hygiene to boot) does the same.  Neither of us have gotten sick yet so no big deal.  She did get sick from using MY tooth brush though!  I don't know what that says about the germs in my mouth vs the germs in Waffle's! lol.

My husban is terrible about letting our corgis "pre wash" the plates. It's not the germs that bug me, I don't want them to get scratched!

haha.. dog(and cat) germs are some of the only germs im comfortable with!:]

i share my ice cream and such with my kitty, and i always did when i had a dog growing up, too.

im not sure why its just cats and dogs though. like when i had guinea pigs and hamsters growing up, anytime i would hold or touch one of them, i had to wash my hands or i would just freak out lol..

I find that a corgi fits nicely into the dishwasher. While it's being loaded, Lilliput is in there doing a prewash. Unfortunately, the larger dog does not fit, so this is a Lilli-only job.

Last X-mas I was thrilled to discover that Fiesta Ware made dog dishes that matched my place settings. Perfect! Until I thought about how it would look to have that bowl on the floor next to the table with the people dishes. I had to pass :(

I grew up in a family where you licked the ice cream cone, then the dog got a lick, then you got a lick, repeat.  That was how you shared with the dog lol.  I think more than one kiss to the mouth is gross, and excessive licking is highly discouraged in my house, but other than that, dog germs are pretty much the same as people germs.  Unless I specifically catch him doing something gross... like eating cat poo lol...

I like when Scout washes the plate.  That way, if it doesn't get in water right away, the food does not stick on the plate.  I'm the same as most people.  It's going to be washed with soap and hot water anyway.


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