I have been emailing breeders and asking about possible pups for mid/late summer! I have found one in South Dakota that I have heard about on here AND that would be willing to leave the tail undocked! YEAH!!!! They are Adam's Welsh Corgis from SD. I already have had a conversation with 1 person on My Corgi about them. Does anyone else have experience with them?



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There is a similar breeder with the same name in NV, lol. I hope you find the pup you're looking for! Just curious Jane, why do you want the tail on the Pembroke?
I don't know anything about a breeder by that name in SD. I would put the same cautions in place that I always do - does the breeder do health testing? Are they involved in some aspect of the dog word? If you're thinking of eventually breeding the dog, is the pedigree worth continuing?

If I were looking for an undocked Pem to really DO something with - to breed, that is - I'd import one. It's money, yes, but then you get beautiful, well-bred dogs who meet the Pem standard and who have generations of proven ability behind them. Generally speaking you are not going to be able to get a well-bred undocked Pem if you have any interest in breeding; you can get a pet mismark but good breeders who are selling a dog to breed are selling the dog to show. They always dock under those circumstances.

Don't put the tail before the dog - literally! If you want to build your breeding program look at pedigrees and insist on generations of success at doing whatever you want your dogs to be characterized by (herding if you want to work them; championships if you do not). If you buy a beautifully bred bitch, show her, finish her, and then breed her, you can keep tails on the puppies and then you really have something. Otherwise all you have is the tail.
Joanna brings up many great points. Though, even if your not looking to breed nor show, and only needing limited registration, ultimately you are wanting a pup that is going to match best with you. Since pups tails and dewclaws are removed within 4 days of whelping, there is noway of knowing the personality of the pups. You'd be better off going with a litter that all the tails are not docked then to choose one pup out of five at only 2 days old. Even though that would be ideal for you since your wanting a tail it is still not the ideal way of picking a pup. A lot more goes into it then markings, coloring, or a tail. I tell all my buyers that specifically ask for a color or marking even sex that ultimately I can not completely promise that since I place my pups in the best suited home. When the right pup is placed with you, then that pup becomes the most gorgeous dog you'll own. Many times a specific request is asked and they end up with something completely different but I have yet had an unsatisfied customer because the pup and that person matched and things went smoothly.
Valid point about the color and other things...I guess I had my heart set on an undocked puppy and so I might have also lost track of what really is important!
I actually LOVE that you want a Pem with a tail. I hate docking and cropping. My Danes were all uncropped and I bought my first girl from the breeder who put the very first US championship on an uncropped Dane (she did what I described above; bought a really nice cropped bitch, bred to a nice cropped dog, and refused to crop the puppies). So I am very thumbs-up about doing it with a tailed Pem. I just think that you have to go out there - whether it's into serious herding or the show ring or wherever you choose to prove your dogs - with something outstanding, so everybody sits up and looks. If you go out there with something mediocre, everybody is just reinforced in their perception that only "pet breeders" leave the tails on.

So for all the reasons above AND because you want to make a great impression with your "controversial" caboose on your dog, get something that is really wonderful.
I was very happy to see that you don't like the docking Joanna. I get this feeling that the "standard" has to be forever and I am a bit of a rebel so when all these other countries are going for non docked tails I feel like either we(anyone) are just having to be like we always were or we(anyone) has a hard time changing. I think of how the world has changed in my 53 years and we can't change a dogs tail or at least have a choice?

Very valid point that this dog WILL have to make a great impression. We all have to start some where and I am willing and able to work hard to get my point across with this "controversial" caboose dog!
There is a breeder in PA who has stopped docking altogether, but that is pretty far for you. She does performance titles with German Shepherds, and has undocked Corgis. I know very little about her though. It's EZ Brook Kennels.
Thank you Beth! I will check into this. I also don't believe in shipping and would drive to get the pup BUT distance doesn't matter...I just turn it into a vacation and my girlfriend and I plan a trip! closer would be better BUT...who knows...I will check it out!
Hey Jane, I'm going to WV in a week... want me to pick one up for ya? ;)
Sure Katy! That would be great! Unfortunatley I will have pups soon and I want to get my own pup when I'm done with raising this litter! Darn!!!!!! Thanks for the offer! I guess I'll have to plan a vacation around one!
I just checked and it's 20 hours driving time to Oxford PA...
I got Faye from EZ Brook. Susie (the breeder) is super well knowledgeable, doesn't dock ANY of her pups and she breeds for heath & temperament. 20 hours is a long ride... I drove only a couple hours and it was tough with a scared and carsick little puppy so I can't imagine how "fun" it would be as a real road trip.

Also if you're considering getting a pem with a tail just know that you will get in quite a few arguments with people who think they know the breeds and assume you have a cardi. Many people don't realized pems are docked, they think they are just born without tails and if you try to tell them different they get quite defensive. I had one guy (with a corgi) yelling at me that "[he's] had corgis his whole life and never had their tails docked" and that "[I] was stupid and must have purchased a mixed breed".... *sigh* I've learned now to just let them think what they want, it's not worth the effort.


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