Another new breakthrough!


We've been trying to get him to let us Dremel his nails since arriving at our house 4 months ago.  The first two trims were under anesthesia at the vets office.  Since it took 4 of them to hold him down just to draw blood, you can imagine the terror the poor thing must have been feeling when anything was done to him.  It's been a long, slow process....BUT....

tonight he let us Dremel his nails!!!  Granted, there was LOTS of treats involved (with diarrhea later I'm sure as we also visited his great-grandparents house today where treats are always plentiful)--but he put up only a little fuss as opposed to a HUGE fuss like he normally does.  He sat on his mom's lap while I sat on the floor.  She fed him treats, and I dremeled.  We got all the front ones done, and one back leg.  Which is OK because we got only the other back foot done last they even out.  We are going to work again tomorrow night to get them shorter and keep him used to it, but I am ESTATIC that we had this breakthrough.  It means he's beginning to trust us more, and it's so less traumatic than having to take him to the vet, having them muzzle and pin him down to do it....

Yea for Jackson!!!!  :-)

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We too have found the distraction technique helpful, and we've been fading it out.  I can almost do Al all by myself now.
That is great! I am so happy your patience is paying off.
Way to go Jackson!!!!! Now if we could only get Teddy to that point. I've been wondering how your legs are doing too!
His legs are doing great!  No limping since starting the previcoxx....
That's so good to hear!  Isn't it funny how such a seemingly small thing get us excited!!
I usually sit in the over-stuffed chair-and-a-half w/ottoman with the dogs laying on their backs between my legs to do their nails with the Dremel.  As soon as I bring out the Dremel, Chelsea our English Setter will jump up into the chair and roll over on her back!  While I trim her nails, she will actually fall asleep & when I'm finished she gets yummy treats.  Our Cardigan Corgi, Maggie will jump up on the ottoman for her turn to have her nails trimmed before Chelsea even gets off the chair.  Maggie doesn't quite fall asleep like Chelsea does, but she's very, very good.  Good luck with Jackson, you are well on your way!!!
That's how I do Seanna's... she's upside down on her back between my legs, and she too will fall asleep....


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