Hello... im fairly new w/ my corgi puppy.


Well last night i bought Kobi a new kennel. I got a int/lg size (28"long and for dogs 50lbs heavy), even though many people were suggesting 36" long kennels. I thought that was tooo big even when he grows up... wouldnt fit in my bed room.


Anyways, i also bought him a matching kennel bed, but i had my worries. 


1. Im scared he will soil/wet his new pad cuz hes a puppy

2. That he will rip it apart eventually.


I read the puppys wont go potty/pee where they sleep, but if you give them enough room in the kennel they will. And well last night when i was sleeping, kobi was crying and when i checked on him his kennel bed was wet from his pee. Soo i took it out and stuck it in the washer and put a towel in the kennel temp.

Well today he has been sleeping fine in the kennel cuz we take him to the pads to do his business, but will he be different if i put back the kennel pad? Or will he just pee on it again? how can i introduce this to him and also prevent him from chewing it up in the future? Is it better to wait til he gets a little bit older to introduce the kennel bed and keep the towel for now?


Hes 77 weeks btw.


Picture below too seee how tiny he is compared to the kennel/crate

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Honestly I like the bigger crates. I would just use an old towel or blanket till he get a bit bigger.

I'd use the towel till his older. Put a box upside down in the back of the crate so he only has the front to sleep. It will make a smaller area that he won't want to soil since he will be sleeping there. He's a baby so messes are going to happen. Put him outside right before bed and if he fusses in the night, take him out so he can potty. Get up early to let him out in the morning. I'm not a fan of puppy pads but if that's what you have to use....... It can be hard to train them away from the pads. Outside is best. I know it can be a pain and cold to take a pup out but it doesn't last forever!



I just wanted to introduce his bed to him b4 he get to the stage where we tears everything up.

The part about them not going potty where they sleep is true. Several breeders I've spoken to recommended getting a kennel that has a divider and only giving the puppy a little bit of space at a time and then increasing the boundary as they become better about not going in that area. Using the pads was also something I asked about and once again, several of the breeders mentioned that they are not fond of them because it's much like training the puppy to go there and then having to retrain them again when it's time to learn to go outside. I think Karen Dadisman has a good point - more frequent trips outside are probably the best solution. Good luck! :) 

I understand, but since hes just a ppuppy and cant really hold his pee for too long its a big pain. 


We live in a indoor "luxury" apartment meaning the rooms are indoor unlike typical apartments soo if we want to take him to grass we would have to walk all the way to a corner of a building to go downstairs. I dont mean to sound like a lazy owner but like i mentioned puppys cant really hold there pee for long and going down every 30min doesnt fit well w/ my g/f and I's busy schedule since we are student and work at the same time. 

You are not going to like what I'm going to say but here it is. If you knew it would be a "big pain" to take a puppy out to potty, you should not have gotten a pup. Sorry, but training a pup is lots of work and can be a pain and that's just the way it is. If you don't have the time or don't want to make the time, don't live where you can take them out, and don't want the work involved in training a pup, then you shouldn't have a puppy. Go ahead and think I'm not a nice person but you should have thought about the work and time involved before you got a puppy. This is not a stuffed toy you have that you can buy cute things for, play with when you have time, and then not give them the time and attention they need to learn to be a good member of your family. Perhaps an adult dog would be a better fit for you and your gf's busy schedule or maybe even a stuffed toy Corgi. 

I understand Karen's frustration as many dogs are in the shelters due to accidents in the house. However, there are ways to potty train in your situation. It just takes longer to train them if you are unable to take them out frequently. A crate that much larger will allow the puppy to potty in one part of it so is not conducive to training. There are little fake grass patches available for apartment dwellers that offer a better option or you can use newspapers but I would gate him in an area (puppy proofed) or use an x-pen with a portion covered in newspapers. Start with a lot of newspaper at first and gradually reduce the area. You will have a puppy that will take alot longer to be potty trained but that would be better than having him learn to soil in his crate because that essentially teaches him it is OK to sleep in his pee and promotes eating of feces. I like to use this time to teach mine to potty on command. Just say "go potty" (or whatever) the second he squats and eventually when you say the command he will understand. It really helps when the weather is bad. Good luck and maybe save the big crate for when he is bigger.

I agree with karen also...pups are a commitment and you need to help them learn...the effort you put in now(including classes) will make a much better dog in 6 months.

Hi Kobi and Family,


We are new puppy owners as well. We just brought home Kabu 11/20 and we interacted with Kabu close to the pee pee pad and gave him a treat immediately after he took care of business on the pad (so he has his pee pee scent on the pad, I think).  He did some some markings here and there but we use that no go spray which we think worked for us.  We did all of this for about 3 days (very little sleep for us).  Then we got him the crate and place his bed in there along with some toys. We hid treats in the folds of the bed and toys.  We would lock the crate for about 20 mins and stay close by so hopefully he doesn't think we are bad parents by locking him up.  We did that hoping he learns to hold it. 

So in the end. He pees in the same area even though it might be on the carpet cause he likes to move the pad around or fold it in half. He still marks here and there but nothing that cant be cleaned up.  It does take a lot of effort and time and TONS of research.  We are still not done with the potty training so we all have to "HANG IN THERE" *Image of a corgi hanging on a line*


We just have to be careful with the treats cause kabu is naughty.. will do anything and everything for a kibble ^_~.


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