To all our dear friends - I wanted to let you know that we had to let our little boy Remy go on December 28, 2010.


He woke up Christmas morning and was very sick - he did not eat, drink or move all day.   We thought it might be something he ate but started looking and acting better on Sunday.  By Tuesday we could tell there was something wrong and took him to his vet, Dr. Craig Meyer of Lake Travis Animal Hospital .    Dr. Meyer is the best vet we EVER had.   He would spend up to 2 hours with us during an appointment when we were trying to figure out why Remy was having trouble walking when his DM started.   He spent 2 hours yesterday with us making sure we were not overlooking any possibilty that could help Remy.   I know some might say it's because he's charging by the hour - but that's not the case - he really cares about his furry patients and the people who love them!


Dr. Meyer said that sometime in the past few months, Remy had developed a tumor that developed very aggressively.  Dr. Meyer said that it was to the point now that it was pressing on his bladder and that was why he was having trouble.   He said that he had less than a week and was concerned because if the tumor ruptured, he would bleed to death and it would be very painful.    We always thought the DM that caused his lower spine and back legs not to work would be what he would succumb to.  Just last week Remy and I were out on the back deck playing ball and he was running around chasing the ball in his cart - so happy to be outside playing in the warm weather.


We kept him that night and in the morning took him to let Dr. Meyer put him to sleep.   Dr. Meyer offered to come to the house but could not do that until later in the day.   Remy did not look good this morning and we could see he was telling us it was time.


As you know, Remy was "our little boy".   We always knew this day would come and when it did, it would be very hard on both of us.   It's worse than I thought.   We miss him terribly, but know we did the right thing so that he did not suffer.


Alot of people would say "he's just a dog" but he wasn't that to us.


Our house is very quiet and it does not feel right to not have him here.


Thanks for being a part of his happy life!


Karen, Rob & Remy Martin of Travis, the Sweetest Pea in the Pod!


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I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it is like . I loss my first corgi mar.09 it was the hardest thing to go thru.My prays are with you.

I recently shared your same sad experience on New Year's morning with our wonderful 14 year old Cardi, Adam, due to his 4th stroke compounded by diabetes, but don't worry there is hope.  It was painful and so lonely and empty around the house.  We live in Las Vegas so our friend gave us some of his promotional hotel stays so we could get out of the house and the memories for awhile.  But I was a driven man, scouring the internet nationwide and into Canada seeking another corgi, and finally I found one!  Not a Cardi but a little Pembroke named Dougie from, a recently posted stray who had never been claimed.  We sent the application and were approved for adoption.  So Sunday we drove almost 300 miles to pick him up and almost another 300 to bring him home.  We'll never forget our wonderful Adam and still miss him, but our new 2 year old pembroke is like having a baby in the house and he fills that painful void so well.  He needs us as much as we need him, and we sincerely wish you a similar happy ending. 
I am so sorry to hear about Remy. I feel for you, went thru that a couple of months ago. It is very hard, its not the same in the house. I'm sure Remy would want you to have another wonderful corgi in your home. They bring so much joy. Remy will always be in your heart and have wonderful memories as we do about Ginny. We only waited 2 weeks before we got another. It was to quiet in the house. Take care.
They are with us for such a short period of time and touch us deeply. May the joys of his life help to ease the pain of his passing.
So sorry for your loss that day. It was a very sad day indeed but I can tell you he wasn't alone crossing that bridge for that very same day he was paw in paw with Mauser Marksman who also crossed the bridge, another PWC of only 4.5 months of age. RIP Remy
oh shoot, I just got a mental image of Little Mauser crossing the bridge paw in paw with sweet Remy, teared up and started bawling all over again. Remy is watching over Mauser. RIP Mauser and Remy.
Thanks Geri - I did see the post about Little Mauser and don't quite know that story but did know that Little Mauser was waayyy too young to have gone over the Bridge.   That little guys life was short but powerful.   Remy will take Mauser under his wing and show him how to have a good time at the Bridge!   Thanks for your words of comfort.  Karen
Sorry Geri...I didn't mean to upset you or anyone all over again, it was suppose to come across as more of a comforting and soothing thought.
I am with Geri, breaking out the kleenx!
No!!!! Not you too!!! *sigh and lowers head* Sorry you guys!
Oh no, don't be sorry. It is a beautiful image...sad but beautiful. I knew about Remy and about Mauser and hadn't realized it was the same day. I am very sad about both, and had cried for both, but these tears were tears of comfort and peace. Don't feel bad!
Washington Irving : There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.


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