I noticed on Petfinder that a very beautiful corgi named Paully is in the Isabella co Animal Control. They indicate that the dogs are in their shelter for a short time. Any one interested??

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Isabella County Animal Control
Mount Pleasant, MI
Thanks Sam, I did not know how to do that. I really can not go get him but hope someone does!
Oh man, she's gorgeous..looks so happy...and I'm across the country!
Oh she's beautiful...I hope someone can get her soon!!!!!!!!!
I called on Paully on tues when I fist saw him, planned a day off work to drive up there (2 1/2 hr drive ea way) and I was given hope that I could adopt him. after putting a post I was going to adopt him on facebook, a friend contaxcted me and saw another Corgi group had posted and several people wanted him. He was not available until thursday for adoption. I called the shelter on weds again, and they told me someone had already gotten aquainted w/him and they were going to adopt him. He wasnt even available yet! I tried to give them my cc# to hold him, but they refused.
I have been trying to adopt for over a year now, this happens to me every time. Paully was perfect for us too. I am so frustrated and after 30 tries to adopt I have given up. One time The humane society even said they would hold the dog, and while my daughter and I were getting aquainted with the dog, someone else was filling out paperwork and they told us "sorry, the dog was adopted" I thought I had given up that time, and then there was Paully.
So I wanted to let everyone know, its not so easy. I am better off to just buy a puppy.
Pat, I am so sorry you have had so much trouble! I hope you find the right corgi soon but I am thrilled to find out he has been adopted. By the way you should check back just to make sure. A friend of mine wanted a dog from the shelter but it had already been taken. Two days later she went back and they had gotten the dog back. He now has a happy home with her.
Don't give up, Pat! Your corgi is out there somewhere!
Pat, my family and I had the same experience. We tried adopting corgis for 3-4 years; I checked shelter websites daily and several times drove straight to the shelter only to find out the dog had already been adopted. We even brought home a retired breeder female that the breeder wanted to rehome, only to have to drive her back (an hour and a half drive each way) because she turned out to be very aggressive to my senior dog, drawing blood on him. I know your heartbreak. We did end up buying Sidney as an older puppy; he was 5-6 months old. He's been wonderful. Just keep your options open, and the right dog for you will find you. :)
It can be very difficult to find a dog to adopt if you have specific traits in mind. I sympathize with your troubles. Corgis, thankfully, are not real common in rescue. If you wanted, say, a senior dog or a dog with issues you might have a little more luck, but thankfully for Corgis you don't see too many in shelters.

The Corgi rescues are also very active and do pull dogs from kill shelters, so that's a part of it too.
By the way, I know it's frustrating, but if you have your heart set on adopting a rescue dog you might want to form a relationship with a rescue BEFORE a dog comes in.

When we got our newest cat, Boo, there were about a dozen people who put names in, but we had been talking to the woman from the rescue and telling her stories about our recently departed and much-loved older kitty, and so we were her first pick. And when we got our retired show dog, Maddie, the breeder had turned down several requests for an older dog before we came along. She knew us, and we had the sort of home she was looking for.

So you might want to correspond with a Corgi rescue, if that's what you want to do is rescue, so they know who you are and what you are looking for and can match you up with a dog if one turns up.
Or, as has been suggested, talk to breeders about adopting a retired dog if you don't particularly want a puppy. Maybe one of the breeders here could help you, as they seem to have ties to other breeders and could possibly be on the lookout for a dog for you.
Thanks for all your replies, I did contact the breeder I adopted Katie from, about a year ago and she said she would keep me in mind. Maybe I should email her again.
As far as getting on the list for shelters, there are so many counties here I would have to list with every single one of them. I am talking at least 40 or 50 in my driveable area. I do watch petfinder, but it seems that Corgis go 1st day.
A friend had asked me if I would consider fostering, the only thing with this is, that I would get attached and couldnt let the dog go, I would want to keep him/her.
on the upside, I did just reply to the post about Jackson, I hope he is close enough where I could possible meet halfway? my car overheats, especially in the summer, and long drives are scary for me. I've taken it to many shops even the dealer and they say its supposed to run that way, ect but I think 225-235 degrees is way to hot and my crack the block. very long story.
lets hope I can find a way to adopt him. Katie really wants a campanion, and I've always had 2 dogs together, my 2 boys passed away 4 and 5 years ago, Katie is 3 1/2, and still trying to replace the empty space. I just really am looking for a corgi as energetic as Katie.
wish me luck!


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