I have a female welsh corgi 'sassy' and my male welsh corgi 'nitro'. and my son and I love animals. We have 2 horses Arabs, 1 mini horse, 2 cats and 2 Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Now my 'Sassy' woke up yesterday and was dragging her hind legs liveless behind her. I could not stop crying, she did not understand what was going on. I took her to the vet right away. They x'rayed her spine and hips, poked her with a needle, ruled out the tick disease and told me she has a slipped disc, which is known for corgis. I thought my life stopped. She was put on Anti inflammatories. That is it I thought, she has to stay confined for 6 weeks, no moving around at all, may be it is going to heal itself. My darling friend, she is a vet Nicole called me back and said, she needs more aggressive treatment. So I put 'sassy' back in the car ( I was crying heart broken) and drove to Nicole's vet clinic. She gave her steroids, special food, a pill (antacid) prednesone and another one. I will add the names later, when I get back online. I would so appreciate any input, if there is a chance for her to get her feelings back in her liveless backend. Help!!! Will she walk again? Are there any people with corgis who healed and walked again??

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I don't have 1st hand experience with a disk but I have had my male on Prednisone for a back leg( knee) injury and that helped in a day or two. I don't want to give you any false hope for this cuz I don't know. I wish I could say everything will be ok ! My thoughts are with you and Sassy for a full and speedy recovery! Do everything the vet says exactly how they say is all I can add!I know it will be hard to keep a corgi quite! I know there are some dogs that have healed but I don't know what the % is! I will try to call my girlfriend who had this happen to her dog ( a doxie) and see what she says!
Dear Jane, I so appreciate your reply and wait to hear more from you. It just makes my stomach turn, and cry. I know it is not good to cry in front of her, cause she is always worried. The ironic thing is, that I have the same injury and waiting to have surgery. And sassy is sooo intuitive. Now I feel bad!!. Have a great weekend Jane, nice talking with you. Danke!!
Hi Marika,
Well I don't have alot more info but some. My girlfriend said that (up here in MN) they rate the injury 1-3 and this tells you a little more about the severity. She actually had 2 doxies with this and 2 different outcomes. Are they sure this is what it is? She also told me about 2 people that had overweight dogs and they thought it was a back injury but the dogs turned out fine once they lost weight...just a hope for you I guess! I wish I could offer you more but I can't! Take care and keep me updated!

ps. my husband had back surgery for this and all went very well...good luck to you also! OK are you German??? I noticed the Danke!!!
I have first hand knowledge-as our female,aj, aprox 5 years ago underwent surgery to correct her disc. She exhibited pain and discomfort on a Friday morning but no paralysis( she jumped off of the bed ). I crated her and came home at lunch to find her no better...Took her immediatly to the vet and by 2:00 pm we had been referred to University of Georgia for surgery. Drove all the way up there after work just me and my girl since my husband was out of town on business. We made a Saturday appointment and had surgery that afternoon. The hardest part was leaving her for 4 weeks in Athens, Ga for recovery....I nearly drove those people NUTS with the check ins. AJ made a full recovery and had managed to charm the pants off of them by the time it was over. At U of GA they have a student that is assigened to just a couple of "Patients". When we went to get her, AJ's new best friend was giving us dismissal instructions which went something like this....."I have had to feed by hand a good bit since she didn't want to eat out of bowl....and if she gets tired on her walk she will let you know push her a little bit but I did carry her back from her walk a few times".....Take heart but if you do not see some improvement soon you might want to ask about surgery...it was about $1,000 at the University vet school.....
Good morning Michelle, danke, danke for your reply. I live close to Columbia, Missouri about 10 miles (University vet school also) and my vet called there and they told her it will be around 4000,- - 6.000,- She needs a special MRI or CT scan which is already high in costs. They wanted half down and the rest in 3 payments. Unfortunately I don't have that money, I couldn't work myself since October 2006 when I had an accident, spine surgery the following year, and now I am waiting for my lower back spine surgery. :-) This morning I went downstairs to check up on her first thing, she is still paralysed, nothing. She had also thrown up in her kennel and peed. So that means she is using her bladder, she has not pooped. She is confined to the kennel for 6 weeks and I am not supposed to move her. I took her out yesterday to try is she wanted to do No.2. I had lifted her up with a towel in the back and she walked with her short stubby front feet. She sooo did not like it, she kept looking at the towel. She is very intuitive, you most probably already know that :-) she knows that I am worried to death, so now she is too. She seems depressed to me. What am I going to do?? Am I impatient. Do you think I should take her to a chiropracter that deals with animals also?? Her x'rays were fine, her back and hips looked great, you could not see the slipped disk on it. My vet said we would not see it on a regular x'ray. So yours was never paralysed then? It is her whole backend.
sorry i took so long to get back with you....aj did not have any paralysed. She was "scrunched" up looking and any movement was clearly painful...The preds. will cause some stomach upset. Is is your vets thinking that when some internal swelling goes down that the paralysis will subside or what are they saying? AJ's father had back problems...not sure if it was a slipped disc or what and he underwent chiropractic treatment with some sucess.
I have no experience with this but just wanted to say I am so sorry your Sassy is suffering. I hope she has a full recovery. Good luck with your own surgery!
Danke so much to you too Joy to write me something. Was your Gus paralyzed at all??? Did your sweety get depressed from being so confined? How did you get through it?? Could Gus go outside still and do his business? Mine cannot at all. I put a towel around her back side and take her out, I ordered a special harness, but it is not here yet. She still doesn't go. She pees in her crate. Yesterday though I could see her butt muscles move, she was trying to poop, I think, I hope I am not seeing what I want to see How long was Gus confined to his kennel. Was he in there 24/7??
Like Joy said...rest...maybe you can find her some chewy toys to occupy her time in her crate and if you can have the crate near you most of the time so she doesn't feel left out. I like the idea of a diary...that gives you something to do and to see her progress also.

So how far did you live from Ulm?? I grew up in New Ulm a sister city to Ulm and raised my family there.

Our thoughts are with you! Take care!
I think her pills might be causing her tummy to feel upset! Did they say to see what happens in a few days with the meds she's taking?? Is there anything they can give her for the nasuea?
Sassy is on Prednisone 10 mg twice a day. She is on Sucralfate 3 times a day (to coat her intestines) and she is on Famotidine (antacid) twice a day. I just fed her, I'll see if it comes back out. Hopefully not. I also bought cans of prescription Diet i/d food. It is supposed to be easy on the stomach. I put the prednisone in it and the Sucralfate. She is not touching it. And she always wants to eat :-(. I will keep a diary, that is a great idea. I am trying to get Sassy to a chiropracter, I hope I don't make it worse, if she gets an adjustment, I know the lady helped animals before. Or shall I just leave Sassy alone and rest???
Ulm is far away from where I am from. I am from the northern part close to Hannover. I guess your hubby was in the forces?? Did you like Germany??
I would put the pills in a piece of cheese if she likes cheese or meat ...if she won't eat her food take her food away and give her plain food and get the pills down her ASAP as this will help with the swelling! Corgis won't be fooled if there's medicine in their food.I would ask the vet about a chiropracter...I was going to take Wynn (we have a people chiropracter (sp) that comes to the vet office) but he got better the 2nd day and so we didn't go!

No my hubby wasn't in the forces, I am a German and we ended up in New Ulm when my dad took a job there. German was as big of a language (then) as English. New Ulm is a very nice community of about 14,000 people.


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