My little girl's losing her hair and my dog-sitter says it's stress. How do I help my baby?

Today my dog-walker/sitter (who's a great woman, very patient and kind to dogs) told me that one of my corgis is losing clumps of hair and her diagnosis is stress. I didn't realize my baby was stressed out and now I'm really worried. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? I would appreciate it very much.

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Is it creating bare spots?  If not, it's probably what I call a "fluffle".  A big chunk of hair that stays there until you brush/comb it out.  This is very common in corgi's at blowing coat time (spring/fall), or if not combed at least once a week.  Maybe if you can post a picture we can tell you better what it might be?

No, her hair's so thick, I haven't noticed anything like that. She mentioned that the tufts were white, which is mostly her undercoat. I'm relieved to hear it could be just normal since it's Spring. :)

Is she familiar with corgis? Corgis blow their coats CONSTANTLY and will often have tufts of hair that come off or that you can pluck out. If you don't think she is stressed, I doubt she is, you know her best. People with no medical background have no right in making a "diagnosis" about your pet. If you are truly worried that she is stressed, then seek advice from a trained medical professional or a certified behaviorist. If losing hair is her only symptom I would highly doubt it is stress especially since she IS a corgi! If she is exhibiting other behaviors than it may be possible but seems to me you would notice.

Honestly, I don't know how familiar she is with corgis. My little girl seems so happy, what she said kind of shocked me. Me being me, I instantly panicked since their well-being is so important to me. I feel much better after what you said. Maisie gets bored I know, since she and her brother have to spend 4-5 hours alone at home at a stretch, but I didn't think that would utterly stress her out. I imagine most dogs stay home alone a lot more.

Thank you!

As Jennifer suggested maybe you can post a picture so we can tell you for sure what it looks like. Many corgis will get tufts of undercoat coming off and I'd imagine somebody not familiar with corgis or double coated breeds in general may find the hair loss alarming. Usually when dogs "blow their coat" from stress it is the guard hairs (the long individual hairs) that they lose and not the undercoat, although they can blow both. I work as a vet tech so frequently see animals blowing their coat from stress when they are at the vet. Also, animals that are stressed at home seldom lose hair, but more often develop behaviors like obsessive paw licking/chewing, inappropriate urination or defecation, destructive behaviors, barking, etc. Don't panic it's probably nothing! :-D

OK then we're probably alright. Milo and Maisie are good as gold and never chew anything up. (barring the occasional stuffed toy, which as you know, is usually asking for it) They're also really good about bathroom breaks and I'm not seeing them do the other things you mention. Well, they do bark some, but we live in an apartment and the barking's usually triggered by the neighbors making too much noise. :)

Thanks again.

As long as it's not leaving bald spots I wouldn't worry about it, she's probably just blowing coat. You can pull literally fist fulls of fur off of Luke.

It is called shedding and they all do it. Tri colors are the most noticeable .... black with clumps of greyish fur clumps. Corgis shed is clumps and bushels.

Is she spayed?  Corgis going into heat blow their coats like crazy!  If she's spayed, Corgis going into spring blow their coats like crazy!  Just being a Corgi.

Oh my yes! She's been spayed since she was old enough to reproduce. :)

Your dog is worried about the economy, politics, global warming, the mortgage, and your personal financial situation, just like everybody else.  Go out and make half a billion dollars, and your pet will feel much more secure.

Or buy a lottery ticket!


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