UPDATE: Jake had his surgery on Tuesday the 27th and had a complete tear in the CCL as well as a blown meniscus so it had to be removed. Dr. guarantees us he can get back to his old running days but WILL have arthritis pretty badly in that leg when he is older. Dr. says that therapy will be crucial.


For more on the Tight Rope procedure, see below.


My Pem possibly torn a ligament in his back left leg in January and the vet saw him twice since then and he was on anti-inflammatories awaiting a visit to Ortho on Apr 23rd. Well, we just got back from vacation and boarding him for 6 days where he went to doggie daycare for 4 of those days and rested the other 2.  I got him home, played with him a little in backyard and as he was running for a ball, he collapsed. THE OTHER LEG just gave out and it appears he TORE an ACL or ECL this time. He cannot put ANY pressure on it at all and now is trying to walk on the first bum leg.  Called vet right after it happened. He's on a different antibiotic now awaiting the earliest Ortho appt I could make, Apr 13th. He now has to drag his back end around...but does show slight improvement on the anti-inflammatory. OMG, I've been in tears since Wed when it happened. My poor boy. He's only 2.5 yrs old. Anyone else go through this? What is it like if he needs surgery on both legs? Will he need a wheel chair as he heals? Therapy?


I'm so stressed out and feel it's all my fault for playing ball with him that day. The guilt is killing me.





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Hi, Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn -
Wow, wish I saw this link. I JUST bought something similar. Here is the link below.


I will definetely read your posts about Soffie. Thanks for the information! I am going to talk to the Ortho after his surgery on the right leg, which we know is totally blown. I think the left leg is not complete (Ortho never said when I took him in). The Dr. just said "yes, it's 2 torn ACLs". Augh. He seems to be doing better with the left leg being on anti-inflammatories and CM. I can do that..but Jake is a super active dog. We used to take him and his big sister Sheba for 2-3 mile walks everyday, play with them in the yard (soccer, chuck-it) and on the weekend go for hikes or run them off-leash in a field by our house. If Sheba runs, he runs. Sheba is a tall, black Shepherd. So, I am just wondering...even with several months of CM, can he do all those things after that? What did they tell you about Soffie?

Thanks for the information! Jill
We saw that pen too... isn't it interesting how it's more expensive than the one that's for human kids!!

Soffie, is doing great!! She was overweight at the time of her injury 39lbs. She is now down to 30lbs!! And back to almost full activity. I definitely could tell through her recovery that she was aware of what she could and could not do. And she herself gradually increased her activity once we gave her a little leeway. We just had and still have to keep in mind that she will always be susceptible to another injury. It's hard at this point for me to remember that it still is 3 months shy of 1 year since her injury. At 6 months, to the day, her turn around was almost instant. She went from limping a little bit every day to just every once in awhile giving a hop. And now at 9 months we see her pull up if she quickly jumps down off the coach after being startled awake. But other than that anyone who didn't know she tore her acl would not know she is recovering.

CM worked for Soffie so far. And losing the extra weight was a plus too. On this side of it (the beginning) I'm sure it looks like a long road for Jake. But looking back at it (9 months since Soffie's injury) the time flew by!! It will be like that for you guys too!

All our Best for Jake's successful surgery and recovery!
Thanks so much for the kind words. Jake is 35 pounds and I am hoping, with diet, that we can get him down to around 32 pounds and maybe NOT have surgery on the left leg. Both legs seemed to be doing better on the anti-inflammatory but he still has been sitting down a lot and not able to go up stairs or jump up at all (not that we are letting him, you can just tell he can't push up on his back legs).

I tried to find your original post about her injury but couldn't. If you find it, could you send me the link. I did read a bunch of your other posts, though. :)

I cried when I dropped him off this morning. They were like "It's OK, Mom, he's not the first one to have this surgery." In my head I was like "Oh, thanks." I'm a crier when it comes to my animals. I worry about them so much. Maybe because I never had children of my own.

I'll keep you posted.
Good luck. Hope it turns out very well for you and Jake. I would have cried too.
It's OK! I cried too when I dropped off Seanna, and when I picked her up. It's so hard to see them hurting....hopefully things will go good today--I'll be anxiously awaiting to hear that he's doing good!
Hi Jill,
I hope Jake's first after surgery went well. I can imagine that you had a rough day and night.

Getting weight off him will be a definite help. Here is a link to the discussion I started last year when Soffie was injured. http://www.mycorgi.com/forum/topics/is-your-corgi-overweight-take?i...

All my best wishes for Jake's speedy recovery!!
Good Luck today...I also am a crier....both over happy and sad and I know exactly how that feels!
Hi, everyone -
Thanks so much for all your well wishes & prayers! I'm so glad I found this website as you have all made me feel so welcomed and now informed! :) Hugs!

Jake's Ortho called around 2pm EST and he did great. He was just coming out of anesthesia when they called.

I should know more tomorrow. I have the day off and we are meeting with the Rehab Consultant around 1pm EST and then we can take Jakey home.

I can't get any work done today. I've just been thinking about him all day lying there like "Where am I?". I'm sure he is in very good hands.

Hubby is working from home tomorrow and Thursday and then I will be working from home Friday and Monday of next week. That should be a week of tender lovin' care. :)

I'll try to post tomorrow from home. Corgi hugs from Jake's Mom to all my new friends!

Yeah! I'm so glad surgery went well! He will be so happy to see you tomorrow...keep us updated!
Hi, everyone-

Well Jakey had more than just a complete tear, he had a blown out meniscus so that had to be removed as well. Per the doctor, it was a more complex surgery and he WILL have arthritis pretty bad when he is older. Nice, huh? When you have no meniscus, you have no cushion between the bone. He’s doing well besides not liking his leg being iced 4-5 times a day. He also doesn’t like taking his meds. One pill is as big as something you or I would have problems swallowing it. He also has to have Mommy do his exercises with him 3 times a day called PROM which means Mommy has to move his legs, knee, foot and ankle into various positions. Then he goes out for a 5 minute walk twice a day and can go out for quick potty breaks. Next week he starts with three 5 minute walks a day and additional exercises where I push him away from me so he puts weight on the leg.

His leg seemed a lot less swollen this morning and less red.

We go back on May 12th for suture removal and an hour long Rehab Specialist appt. After that I think we are going to be going for water treadmill therapy twice a week for awhile.

It should get better day by day. Jakey is being a stubborn patient and he looks super sad but he’s getting lots of TLC.

Sorry to hear about the meniscus! That sucks. Seanna's was surprisingly OK. I know what you mean about the pills. We had to buy the pill pockets, break up the pill into little pieces, put it in the pocket, then smother it with the canned cheese. Still works great! Everything else she figured out. I think she still knows, just doesn't care- 'cause she loves cheese! We had an "oops" the other day, but luckily she's OK. My daughter let her on the couch (which she's not supposed to do!), then didn't watch her and she jumped off. Immediately wouldn't use her leg, then went to just slight toe touching. I of course imagined the worse. We had to leave about 10 minutes after to go to hydrotherapy. The doctor came down and looked at her, said her leg still felt stable so she just sprained it. But, no therapy that day, lots of ice, only half of what we normally do yesterday, and today we go back to regular schedule. I was sooooo upset! Just coudn't imagine $1200+$500+1 month of therapy down the drain.
Seanna hated the ice too. She actually kind of likes it now, but I had to bribe her with lots of treats at first to let me put it on. I'm glad that you guys are doing OK! Hang in there--it goes by fast!
OMG, poor Seanna. Things happen...but I know, you get like "OMG, OMG". So, she is going on her 4th week? Wow, time does fly. I can't wait for the suture removal. I think once he gets that dumb e-collar off, he will be much happier. I took it off a bunch of times yesterday like when I was doing his exercises but he really wanted to lick his boo-boo so I had to block him with my arm a lot until he settled down. Lots of massages for Jake!

Poor Seanna. Thank goodness it was just a sprain. I'll have to keep in mind all the little things that we used to take for granted (like couch time or stepping down from our mudroom to patio). Augh.

The surgery came to $2,400 for everything including the first visit with Rehab Specialist. So, we plan to use the rest on therapy. We budgeted for $3K for the one leg. Dr. said yesterday he definetely will need the other one done. Augh. 8-10 weeks from now.

Thanks for checking in!!

Give Seanna a big hug from me. She is so adorable.



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