I just bought my first DSLR, a Cannon Rebel XS. I have no idea how to use a DSLR so look forward to learning how to use it! Any advice on good books or things I need to know to take good shots of my pup? I've attached my very first picture of Franklin with my new camera! I'm so excited to start snapping pictures!


Tiny (my cat) got bored after just a few shots

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Aww, so glad to hear you got him!  Hopefully Franklin will set a good example for him so that he can settle in and be a little less fearful.  In my experience, the first two weeks are the most "dramatic" in terms of behavior.  A lot of posturing, bristling, and grumbling because they're getting used to the fact that they're staying in this strange new place.  :)

he has been aggressive towards the big dog, BUT HIM AND FRANKLIN PLAYED!! Yay!!! I am seeing a lot of fearful behaviors (that result in hackles and aggression) that worry me a bit as I have a lot of friends with large dogs and we do a lot together. After he has been with me for a few weeks, I'm going to have to try him with their dogs. I just really like him other than this so I am hoping its something that confidence and exposure to friendly dogs can fix. 

Please give him some time with you and Franklin and then as you say...get together with others. Being brand new he is just trying to figure out what he's doing with you. Glad they played.

awesome! Congrats on your new addition :)

Congrats! He is really cool looking! Did the breeder say he was just a regular blue merle? He almost looks like a sable merle...or something...not that I'm any expert lol. He's very unique and I love that blue eye. As far as the behavior, I'd give him a good chance to adjust. Cardigans can definitely be very different from pems in how they react and adapt to new situations, at least in my experience. My cardi tends to be very defensive when he's unsure of a situation, but it's very manageable.

Jane, I believe he is considered blue merle, but his coloring is so unique. He has the head of a red/white but the backs of his ears have merle, his back and sides are also blue merle but the rest of him is red/white. Very strange. She was telling us how when he was getting his championship in the show ring there were situations where judges would argue over whether or not to disqualify him because of his coloring. I will post a discussion just for him soon, as I am seeing behaviors I will need help fixing. He has no manners to speak of (was a kennel dog and outside mostly), fear aggression, etc. so once I have had him for a few days I will post with lots of questions for all you cardi people to answer! :-)

Aw, Congrats!   It takes adults awhile to settle.   When we brought Maddie home, she was going on 5 and we were assured she was fine with other dogs.   We took her for a walk and the first dog she saw she hid behind me.  She was terrified of our neighbor's ancient beagle.  I called back the breeder who said (and she is trustworthy) that she could not recall Maddie ever showing fear of another dog.  I think she was just overwhelmed.  It took her a few weeks to trust that we had her back and now she's good with other dogs. 

Having said that, show breeders typically don't spend a lot of time hanging out at the dog park.  My finding is that Maddie is excellent with dogs around her height or shorter (she lived with a pack of Corgis for years, after all).  She is good with puppies and plays wonderfully with little dogs--- much better than Jack does; he tends to bowl them over or try to hump them, or both at the same time.   However with big dogs, she tends to run up and say "Harf!" in their faces, give her own choice.  She will play chase with them if she is the chaser, but otherwise prefers not to be crowded by big dogs.   She also has a bad habit of staring when other dogs start barking at us, and so provokes them worse.  She is ready to start a fight she would never finish; she'll bark and lunge but if they growl at her she hides behind us! 

Anyway, some of that may be do to the fact that she was socialized differently from Jack (who was around big dogs from puppyhood, but we didn't see too many small ones).   And part of it may just be personality; she's a more submissive dog than Jack and so I think she's less confident of herself when confronted; Jack will just turn and walk away from the lunging aggressive type dogs instead of staring and barking like she does, because he feels no need to prove himself.  But the point is that she was initially acting like she was terrified of every dog she saw and she is not at all that way now.

Oh I LOVE your pictures! Be sure and join the photographer's group and share your hints and your kitty would enjoy being part of the honorary corgi group!

Thank you! I don't have hints at this point, just trial and error! I still don't really know how to work my camera or what settings are going to work and which ones will be a total disaster! Lol. But practice practice practice! :-P

I want a camera like that:)

I Love your pictures! I am also trying to learn how to use my Rebel t2i. I probably torture my dogs taking so many pictures of them cuz every time I get the camera out of the bag Jersey ( my pem ) goes psycho! I tried to take some pics of her in the snow yesterday but the snow/rain made all the pictures so blurry! If you come up with any advice while learning, let me know!!

Once it gets nicer out, I'm hoping I will be able to get some pictures of Jersey swimming!

I love your pictures no I love your camera, I guess both. You are doing a good job on taking the pictures.


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