So the litter of puppies I had a deposit on were born today. BUT she did not have a blue boy. She had two blue girls, 3 blk and white boys, and a tri boy. So what do I do now?!?!

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If I was in your situation, I would wait for a blue boy. Just my 2c.
I found a litter due in January by a different breeder. I just don't know what to do. I had my heart set on this litter. I wouldnt mind a black and white boy......but I dunno.
I guess it depends on how much you have your heart set on a blue boy, and for what reasons. If it's a dream to have a blue and you need a male, or you want to start a breeding program and are looking for certain foundation stock, then stick it out and wait for one.

If you really just want a Cardigan and blue is your first choice but you'd be happy with another color, then do that. :-)

When we were looking for Maddie, our first choice was a tri female but we would have taken another color (just not a male). But there is preference, and then there are dreams.

Good luck with your choice!
I have no intentions of breeding whatsoever. I just want another Cooper (just with a tail) I love male personalities better, that's all. Blue is my first choice, but I would not mind a black and white. I'm just looking for a cardigan. I stepped back and realized that at the vet clinic that I work at, we see 4 blues and 1 blk with brindle points, and 1 tri, but no solid blk and whites. So now im kinda tempted to get that instead. It's just so dang confusing. I had it all thought out in my head that I was getting a blue boy and that idea went out the window and now im kinda flabbergasted at what to do. I really don't want to wait til next month bc im scared that if that litter doesn't have a blue boy then im screwed. I've already put my deposit down on this litter so i'll just stick with it.
The black with brindle points is what we call black and white. Sorry; I know that's confusing. There are no true black and whites in Cardigans, but sometimes if the brindle-pointed tris have enough white they can look like they just have black, especially as puppies.

A couple of those puppies look like they're really flashy, so you could definitely end up with one that nobody will ever call anything but "black and white," but genetically it'll be a brindle-pointed tri.
what do you mean by flashy?
Lots of white. Big fat collars and big blazes and white legs. I LOVE a dog with a lot of white, personally, though the other qualities matter more. But when I get to have a puppy who's flashy I do get tickled.
Color (and gender, for that matter) is going to matter to you until you get in the car and start to drive away. And then whatever puppy is in your lap will magically become YOUR puppy, and you will not be able to imagine anything better than that puppy.

The important thing is finding a breeder and a litter that you love for reasons totally apart from color or gender. If you feel like you can find support from that person for the life of your puppy, and you love the personalities of her dogs, you can't go wrong with a puppy from them. If you don't have those two ingredients, the color or gender of your puppy isn't going to be a comfort when you're at the vet at 3 AM or it's Thanksgiving and the dog just bit Aunt Rose and you have nobody to call and get comfort or advice from.

My first show dog I "ordered" a color and gender - I wanted a merle bitch. The next two I called up the breeder and said "send me something" and in a few months she would call back and say "I think I have a puppy for you from this litter" and I went to the airport and picked up whatever she sent me. Let me tell you, it's been wonderful to do it that way; I don't sit there and hope and pray that the pretty-marked puppy turns out, or feel sad when I end up with a black instead of a merle (both of the ones she's sent have been black). And once they are in our arms they are as much our dogs as the one I moved heaven and earth to pick out.
Can you wait to interact with the puppies to make up your mind or do you have to decide right now? If you like this breeder and are open to a different color, I would meet the puppies and see which one you connect with. I hadn't pre-ordered a puppy with a specific color in mind, but I had ideas of what I wanted. I was the first one to enquire about Stella's litter, and the first to see them, so I got the "pick." What sold me on Stella was how she interacted with me and the personality she displayed. She could have been any color and I would have chosen her! If you already decided to stick with that breeder, I would keep the reservation and see if you can interact with them and choose which one based on that. Good luck!
You know, unless you have iron will, for the dog lovers like all of us on this website, if we have an inclination of buying a new puppy, and we interact with them for a length of time, I would bet that we would go home with a puppy. It is worse than take home test drive for a new Corvette for a guy with mid-life crisis.
I know you wanted a blue male but if you will be happy taking one of the other puppies then you should. Will the breeder allow you to do that? Do you know if the others are all spoken for yet? You'll have to talk to the breeder and see what options you have and if this litter is not for you then you can opt to carry the deposit over to the next litter or get the deposit back and go to another breeder. No one will be able to tell you what you should do because we don't know how important it is to you that you get a blue. When Finn and his Tri brother were the only survivors from his litter and we knew there was a couple ahead of us waiting for a blue boy, we decided we would be willing to take the tri boy. The breeder of course said that would be fine as there was no one waiting for him, but the breeder was also thinking of keeping him for show. I felt the same way, I was prepared for a puppy at that point and it was more important that I get a sweet, healthy Cardi than a specific color. It just happened to work out that the couple ahead of us decided to wait for the next litter since they already owned the sister of the mother who'd produce the next litter. For me, having a blue Cardi was a dream (the male part was my husband's request) but when it came right down to it, after all we'd been through and how long we waited, I would have been heart broken to go without a puppy so it was right for me to be open to taking another color. Had we had a dog already, I may have been willing to wait and find my dream blue. It all worked out in the end and I'm sure you will figure out what works for you and be happy with your decision.
I want a blue merle too but have to admit the black and whites are beautiful. The girls are really sweet and might do really well with Cooper. I am the wrong one to weigh in because I would be happy with any! LOL


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