This beautiful girl is Roxie. She is an 8 ½ year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Her gorgeous smile and eyes will melt a lake of ice, along with your heart. Roxie is loving, well behaved, and well socialized. We inherited her recently when a family member passed away. We adore her, but we have a full house. She would be a better fit in a home where she can be showered daily with affection. Roxie loves the snow and is a very good walker on a leash. She is crate-trained and does not mind spending the workday in her crate. We are looking for the ideal home. We live in Buffalo, NY.

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What a sweet-faced lady! i wish I was closer.

I bet she finds a new home real fast :)

she is darling!!! Wish she was in California!!
Gosh, she is really pretty! Best wishes for her finding a forever home.
She is beautiful!  I hope she finds a new home.  Wish you weren't so far away!
shes a precious dog, i wish she were in tx.

wish she was in CA...

she is sure to find a loving home :-)

She's beautiful!!

I put this on your page but maybe I should add it to the discussion as well:

I have some friends in Indiana who may be interested (they would be willing to drive out to get her). They have a 2 yr old Pem and have been looking for a friend for him. Please email me ( and I will put you in touch with them. Thanks!

That face can melt hearts, I hope she finds a good furever home soon!
She is beautiful!  If nothing works out and she needs to be placed, please let me know!  I think I am wearing my husband down.  Calvin would be thrilled to have a big sister, although he can be a little rambunctious.  We live in Clarence NY, just outside of Buffalo. 
Oh...that would be great for Calvin to have a playmate...and Rainy too:)
I wanted my parents to take Roxie, since they are retired and have all the time in the world.  But Rainy likes being an only dog so much, and my mom won't do it to her.  I think Calvin would like the company, and we like the idea of  'not a puppy'.  We've been thinking of another corgi anyway.  And she's so close!  :)


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