Pet Poisonings Due To Human Medications..Over The Counter or Prescription

Pet owners who are serious about pet-proofing their home should start
with their own medicine cabinet. Pet Poison Helpline™ is a 24-hour
service available throughout North America for pet owners and
veterinary professionals who require assistance treating a potentially
poisoned pet. Nearly half of the calls received by Pet Poison Helpline
involve human medications – both over-the-counter and prescription.
Whether Fido accidentally chewed into a pill bottle or a
well-intentioned pet owner accidentally switched medication (giving
their pet a human medication), pet poisonings due to medication are
common and can be very serious.

Pet Poison Helpline is the only animal poison control with
board-certified internal medicine specialists, emergency critical care
specialists, and human pharmacologists on staff. With expert staff in
both animal and human medicine, Pet Poison Helpline provides a unique
advantage since more than 50 percent of all pet poisonings involve
human drugs.

Below is a list of the top 10 human medications most frequently ingested by pets, along with some tips from the veterinarians at Pet
Poison Helpline on how to prevent pet poisoning from human medications. Sorry..only have permission to post on my blog so click on the link below.
Click here to read the full post...A MUST READ!

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very good information, makes one think. hmmm, now I'm gonna go look around the house just to be sure. Thanks for posting.
Another tip, always take your medication where there is no carpet. That way if you take a few pills at once and one slips from your hand, you'll hear it hit the floor. On carpet, it's drop might be unheard and you won't even know to look for it before the puppies get it.
And a reminder too that "Leave it!" is probably the single most-useful command you can teach your dog!
Thanks for the info! I am very aware of this and once had a dog at work that may have taken a psychotropic med...I had to call the vet! I have a pad by my computer that I added the 2nd number. It might even be a good even for those 1st aid kits!
Or to post inside a cupboard door as I know with me I want it accessible and don't want to have to hunt for it although I hope I will never need it!

Thanks for posting!
Thank you for the information. I'll be sure to post the # somewhere I can find it in case of an emergency. I'm always paranoid about accidentally dropping a pill and not realizing it though thankfully it hasn't happened yet. My Dad's puppy has gotten into his pills twice and opened the bottles. She was fine both times so he doesn't think she ate any of the pills, thank God.


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