Anyone remember their 8 weeks old pup preferring to sleep on the floor rather than their crate or bed?
We tried 2 different crates and 1 bed to no avail.
1 crate is a wire crate with the partition. We changed its size multiple times and nothing.
We also have a plastic crate and he didn't sleep in there either.
We have a smell bed setup next to the crate and that didn't work either.
We even tried putting the bed in the smaller plastic crate and still nothing.
The pup is currently setup in an exercise pen in our kitchen.
What he likes to do is run to the sides and sleep on the floor.
We fed him inside the crate, placed his toys inside the crate, praise him when he goes in the crate looking for his stuffed Kong. Even tried to block access with his water bowl only to have him step all over it to get to the other side.
It is his 3rd day here, am I expecting too much?