Our little man has been having a very rough week.

Last Thursday we brought him into the vet after his clear, runny nose turned yucky and he wasn't able to breathe through his nose (or sleep).  After some x-rays, it was determined that he had pneumonia in his lungs.

He's been in and out of the hospital and vet's office a few times, on oxygen, IV fluids and antibiotics, we had a distemper scare, kennel cough and now possible canine influenza.  We're still waiting for the culture to come back to see exactly WHAT the bacteria is.

Right now we're hopeful but it's getting hard to keep up that attitude.

Has anyone on here had experience with pneumonia in their corgis, puppies, or other dogs?  We're prepared for a slow recovery and a lifetime of repercussions but I'd be curious to hear your experiences.

It's SO hard to watch such a young pup go through something so horrible.  Seeing his little droopy eyes and runny nose has been so heartbreaking.  It hasn't been an easy go with this pup, as great of a dog as he's turning out to be.  Hard time potty training, early gastro upsets, barking and now this.  We're hoping that he makes it through and we can have a positive, healthy life from here on forward.

Your healthy thoughts are appreciated for the little guy.  Thanks!

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Poor baby...hoping you can get to the cause and he can feel better soon. Have you asked the breeder if any other pups had problems?????

No experience in the health issues but lots of good thoughts and prayers that they can find out what is going on and he has a speedy recovery. 

Good lord. One of my GerSheps had kennel cough, but that most certainly was not pneumonia. It looks as though at least some kinds of canine pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics. Here's hoping that's the case for your pooch.

Poor little guy.  Hoping he gets better soon!


Thanks everyone!  He spent a good 5 days in the hospital (second time) and got some new hard-core antibiotics that are hopefully setting him on the right path.  We were able to bring him home on Friday and are happy to see his plucky, shoe-stealing self front and center.  He's tired, but he's stir crazy and ready to get out and cause some trouble!

He's got the pneumonia in 3 of his 4 lung lobes so recovery will be slow and careful, but at the moment, I'm very pleased to see his bright eyes staring back at me.

They did a tracheal wash on him to determine the cause.  Distemper is ruled out, as is canine influenza, which is a relief.  Waiting to hear if Kennel Cough was the root.  We'll see!  Talked to the breeders who got a bit defensive, but no pneumonia in their experience.  He's been away from them for almost 5 months now anyway.

He's had so many friends and family rooting for him, i'm hoping it carries him through to the other side of this yucky illness.  Again thanks for your well wishes!

prayers for your pup to get through this illness and be healthy and strong. 

Sometimes just like with people an antibiotic doesn't work well and they have to try a different one...I hope that your little guy continues to feel better:)

I understand the breeder getting defensive but you still needed to ask...just in case!


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