My female corgi does this funny spasmatic breathing thing. My vet says it's probably what she called "reverse sneezing". Of course Cookie doesn't do it while in her presence so it is hard to tell...
Sometimes when she is excited (or not) she will do it. does anybody else experience the same in their corgis. I think that my male puppy has sort of done it once as well.

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Yes, we have experienced this with Lance. The first time I had heard this it sounded kinda of like an asthma attack, like he couldnt breathe but come to find out it was reverse sneezing. You can blow into their noses to help stop it, I have heard.

Now that we know what it is we havent experienced it again, wierd!!
Yes, Ein had a few light episodes of reverse sneezing. Now that I think of it, he hasn't done it in a while, thank goodness! I heard that massaging their throat and/or covering the nose will help make the reverse sneezing session stop sooner.

Here's a video of him reverse sneezing:
Hi everyone! I'd like some of our veteran corgi owners to weigh in on this one. Linus and I were in a CGC obedience class when he began the wheezing too. The obedience instructor stopped everything, took Linus from the bottom side with one hand supporting the top his rib cage and the other hand almost above his little boy parts. Jean gently stretched Linus out and upwards and he stopped. Jean said that it is tracheal in origin, always to keep Linus on a halter that puts no pressure on his throat and to stretch him when this happens. Suggestions? Other opinions? Only one of my three corgis does this.... Nan
Nancy, There was a discussion previously on this too but the first time I saw this was at a dog show. (i am a watcher not a shower) The handler's said it is no big deal many breeds do this and it just means they got something up their nose. They just put their hand over their nose so the dog has to breathe out of their mouth. Other's in our last discussion said blowing in their nose helped too. I can not imagine the trainer's assessment is correct because mine do it whether they are leashed or not. Bev
I'm glad to hear that it is somewhat common and NOT in any way life threatening. It does seem like what I would think an asthma attack might look like. I have just tried to calm and pet her when she is "sneezing" and it seems to pass quicker than if left to run it's course.
Phew! I won't worry about it then. Thanks.
My corgi did this two weeks ago and I caught it on tape with my cell and showed it to the vet and he said it was no big deal. He said that she either had something stuck in her nose or throat. She hasn't done this since but that first time was kinda scary because I'd never seen this behavior before. I wouldn't worry.
Mine have definitely done this before! In fact, Hooch did it several times the first night we had him home, and it nearly worried me sick! Looking back now, I'm sure it's just because he got some grass stuck in his nose/throat because he kept obsessively eating the grass at first. I was afraid he had a foxtail up his nose, but having experienced that before with my border collie I know it's different. Honey does the "reverse sneeze" on occasion when she eats too fast as well. I'm glad it's not that big of a deal, and they don't do it that often.
Our corgi went to visit a friend the other day and when we got to her house, her dog got so excited that he started reverse sneezing. She quickly reached down and put her hand over her dog's nose so he had to breathe through his mouth. The sneezing stopped instantly in that case. It is completely normal, although it sounds terrible!


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