I know the best treats are homemade but I'm wondering if anyone can recommend treats that actually made in USA w/o any imported ingredients. Thanks for any help.

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Good question Wendy...I never thought about imported ingredients. Maybe going to their website? I will try to check out the Bil-Jac cuz they're some of my faves. I also like Grandma Lucy's www.grandmalucys.com  They are organic and made in Canada...but they are better than the USA....I think!

My two absolutely adore Zuke's treats (I buy the "Hip Action" variety in the beef flavor).  They're soft, which is important since I can smoosh them around Yuki's thyroxin pills, and actually smell good!  Each dog gets 1 per day, half in the morning after breakfast and half at night after supper, and they always want more.  :)  At the bottom of that FAQ link, you'll see that the company states all ingredients (aside from the rabbit and veal - they ship those in from New Zealand!) are USA sourced and the product itself is made in the USA.

Thanks so much for your help. Jane, I checked out grandma lucy (love the name, haha) and Bil-Jac & they sound great. Jen, thanks too for your recommendation of of Zuke's. It also sounded great until I read that it was sold in Feb 2014 to Nestle Purina. Here's the link to BONeJour and their comments about the new ownership:  http://www.bonejourpetsupply.com/blogs/bonejour/12319661-zukes-pet-...

Oh no....

I like things from Polka Dog bakery. They are available in some pet stores and online. Dried lamb lung is another favorite. There are several brands, my current bag is from Merricks. Wet Noses is another brand. I like the stars, they are tiny. Planet Dog has their headquarters and store in Portland. They are my go to for natural treats. They are also knowledgeable. Is there a locally owned pet store in your area? The training center I go to also sells only natural, made in the USA treats.

Wet Noses.

Teddy loves them, I love them and they taste pretty good (yes, I have tasted them).

Charlee Bears ....mine love too!

We like the Real Meat jerky treats. http://www.realmeatpet.com/

Looks great...do you buy this online????

We have a local independent pet store in town named Kibbles that sells them, but it seems you can buy them online.

One thing I like about them is that they keep well in pockets and are (decently) low cal. So, I bring a pocketful when we go out to give to people who want to say hello to Kaylee. (She tends to be a bit shy sometimes, but is ready to please when food is involved.)

Love these, but not cheap! Cut in little pieces for training. Check out Costco's Top Chews Chicken Jerky. Same company. 48 oz. package is $20, which is a lot less than we were paying for Real Meat.


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