Update: Maddie has now come down with the intestinal thing too, so Flagyl for her. Ugh.

It never rains but it pours.... after years of having very healthy dogs (except for Maddie's seizures), I have two sick dogs at once. Maddie has what appears to be conjuctivitis, and it has not cleared after waiting it out for a few days.

And Jack has some serious intestinal upset that has not significantly improves over 48 hours.

So off they BOTH go to the vet today. Wish us luck. Maddie is easy as pie to examine and I fully expect that some eye drops will clear her up.

Jack is nearly impossible to do anything with. They said he might need blood work and I replied I'd be fine with that, but he'll need to be sedated....

I will update back. I'm hoping it's dietary indescretion and not giardia or something else nasty. We are all exhausted after 3 nights of very interrupted sleep.

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Maddie had her first bout at around 7am and started antibiotics by 12:15, so I THINK we nipped it in the bud. She was ok by evening. We only did one day on the bland diet with her.

We are transitioning them slowly back to a normal diet and feeding schedule and Jack is NOT happy. He thought we had finally settled on the eight-times-a-day feeding schedule he clearly felt he deserved the whole time, and he is wondering what became of Second Breakfast, Elevensies, and Afternoon Tea.


Beth...glad to hear that you caught it with Maddie right away.  Hopefully they will both be ok and no more sickies.  Yeah, I bet Jack is not happy losing all those meals.  Mine think every time I walked into the kitchen it's meal time.  At least the cats don't start lining up for dinner until 3 pm for dinner at 5.

Have to laugh at "second breakfast."  I can see Sam in the Hobbit wanting to have second breakfast.  I think hobbits are secretly corgis...they do have furry feet ya know.


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