My Molly who has never let any thing or any one stand between her and her food is acting very odd. About a month ago I was sitting at the dining room while the dogs ate dinner. I do this because I have to make sure Molly doesn't eat Max food too. The food dishes are in different rooms but I can see Molly. All of a sudden she jumped back and kept backing up staring at her bowl. I finally got her to eat it but I had to stand right by her. It happened again about a week later, since then it's happens at least once a week if not more. Always in the evening never in the morning. I don't work so I know it's not a problem because of that. We've checked the house for some kind of nasty. Can't find any thing. She is almost 5 and this has never happened before. Does any one have any idea? I'm getting tired of standing in the kitchen watching her eat.  

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Is there anyway there could have been a bee or something that bit her?

No, we checked that.

Is it a shiny reflective bowl that catches the sunlight in the evenings?


That's what I was wondering too.  A bug of some sort.

Did you try moving the food bowl to a different spot/corner in the kitchen?  If you haven't try it first in the morning when you do not expect any problem.  I would also get down on the floor and look the situation over at the eye level of the dog when the barking happens, you may not perceive anything, but it's still worth a try. Engage all of your senses as it could be a visual effect, a smell, or a sound that the dog is reacting  to.  Interesting....

Tried that. See why we're confused.

I'd try a new bowl.

Thanks for all the advice!  What we hadn't tried we are now. I'll let you know how it goes.



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