Let me start off by saying that Zeus has NEVER been aggressive. Not towards any other dog, or any human or even cats. He loves everyone. Well yesterday I went walking through the parking lot to the grassy area with him. He was leashed of course. A man pulled up and got out of his car (normal enough, he was working there or something). He saw Zeus and started walking towards him. Zeus was jumping and wagging his tail for attention. The man stopped and knelt down to pet him and Zeus lost it. He ran as far from him as possible on his leash and was barking and snarling and growling at the man. Then after a few seconds he stopped, danced over to him, and let him pet on him. I am SO confused. He has never acted this way before.

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Franklin recently started doing that too. Its so weird bc he is TOTALLY fine with 95% of people out there and about 80% of dogs. He went through a phase where he was terrified of new dogs and would get super scared of some people. He seems to have gotten over it for the  most part but will every once in a while freak out when somebody wants to say hi to him. He scitters around me growling and ducking. I think we will never know what the trigger is, maybe a beard, maybe glasses, maybe black clothing, maybe a hat, maybe a smell....who knows.

I wouldn't really call it aggression since he didn't lunge or try to bite/attack the man.  He had a reaction, definitely, but not really aggression.  It's possible he smelled something on the man that spooked him, or maybe it was the man's posture or some other "something" that got him worked up.  Yuki has reactions like that with certain men, though I've never pinpointed exactly what it is that sets him off.

Sounds like something just scared him.  It can happen.  If it's an odd occurrence I would not even worry.  If he starts showing fear reactions to a lot of things then I would look into it, but even the most confident outgoing dog will sometimes get startled or alarmed in a situation that normally doesn't bother them.  

It does sound like a startle reaction to me.  Especially since he suddenly went in the opposite direction and almost hide behind you, right?  If he had lunged forward or stood his ground and showed teeth, raised the fur on his back and growled, that would be a lot different.


I've noticed that with one of my boys, if someone suddenly invades his space he reacts this way and moves backwards very quickly. then he gets over it and comes forward for a pat.

I suppose I just overreacted. I am kind of new to all of this. Thank you all for the input and advice!

Nah, always better to get opinions when you are not sure.  That's not overreacting, it's just being responsible.  :-)

If it's a frequent thing then look into training.  If it's once and done then just chalk it up as one of those things.

Sometimes there are things that we as humans never notice that might upset or startle a dog.  My normally, cool, calm and collected non corgi canine came unglued in the back yard when there was a piece of  fluff on the fence.  She also, when confronted with greeting three new children met two of them fine, but everytime the third one bent down to pet her she backed up and ears went back.  By the third time, I realized this little girl had a pendant on her neck that swung down when she approached (noticed long hair does the same thing).  Dogs seem to notice every little thing and when they are out of place or out of the ordinary. 


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