Does anyone shave there Corgi for summer time?  Does the hair grow back just like before.  We are thinking about shaving Rooster this summer, and just wanted to know if anyone else does it.


Thanks!  Amanda

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Lots of threads about shaving corgis recently!  The general consensus is no, don't do it.  The hair will take a very long time to grow back to normal (over a year) and will look pretty terrible in the meantime.  All that hair also helps insulate them against the heat for a short period of time and keeps the bugs and sunburn away.  Only take your corgi out in the cooler hours of the day for exercise (the early morning, late evening) and keep your corgi hydrated!  Kiddie pools or other trusted water bodies are a great way to stave off the heat.
Yep, there are quite a few threads about this lately, just try searching "shave". I wouldn't do it.

NO!!!!!!   Please don't, why ruin the fur, plus they are double coated dogs for a reason.  Their coat helps protect them from the elements, heat, cold, bugs, sunburn. :)


My 3 corgis live in central Texas and it gets HOT here, folks. I'd never, never never shave them.  They go out from 7a. m till noon, inside till the cool of the evening and then out again for a few hours. Our walks happen early, too. 

I've seen some shaved corgi disasters with coats messed up for a really long time.  They are really just fine as long as they get brushed and owners use common sense aobut heat and sun.



Be careful if you take him to get groomed somewhere, there are a lot of stories of groomers not following directions and either end up with a shaved or trimmed corgi. I took one of my corgis in, and ended up getting trimmed after I told her NO to trimming when she asked!!  Just had to share that.

I think this blog post by Gromit - best explains the purpose and importance of the coat - and not shaving it.

Al & Gwynn get hot in summer sun.  Black backs.  I got a "ChillyBuddy" cooling vest from Clean aRun.  High-tech. Reflective mirrored outside, like woven space blanket, with a wettable thin cotton mesh on the inside.  I plan to put it in a plastic bag, than add water to wet it with minimal water waste on hot hikes.

Haven't tried it yet.  We don't get much heat in Seattle, and not until July and August.  I'll report on it after I've had some experience.

I got a Small, barely fits Gwynnie (20#).  I think I'll have to get a Medium for Al (24#).


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