I started a discussion a while ago during the limping epidemic that seems to be going on about Finnigan limping ("Another one Bites the Dust"). His limp would come and go and for the last week at least he's been limp free. When I came home at lunch today to take him potty, he hobbled out of his crate and didn't want to walk. His limp is pretty bad and for no apparent reason. We don't have a yard so anytime he is outside we're with him and he hasn't done anything crazy. Besides that, he wasn't limping in the morning so what could have happened to him in his crate? Anyway, I am stumped and worried so tomorrow after work we're taking him to the vet. I was hoping to avoid this because not only is it expensive but how do you know that the diagnosis is correct? I hope it's nothing serious and I really hope he doesn't need surgery but most of all I want him to feel better. It's so sad seeing him limp around and despite his obvious pain, he still wants to play. He'll try to move at a jogging pace but ends up hopping to avoid putting weight on that back right leg. I'll let you all know what the vet says tomorrow. Wish him luck!

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I was concerned about Pano before when he was younger. When he was 6 months old we left him with my Mom while we were on our honeymoon and when we came back he was limping. It looked like it was in his front legs but couldn't tell if it was one or both. He was still on puppy food so we switched him to adult food in case it was Pano. It could have just been all the playing he did with her dog during that time. Anyway, he did recover from that quickly and has never limped on his front legs again. Does Pano still occur in 1 year olds?

I have so many possible diagnoses in my mind that I'm just worrying myself. My husband thought I was being a hypochondriac when I wanted to take him to the vet weeks ago. Now he'd on board with the idea. I should have just taken him before. I should know by now that I have better judgment than him. :)
We so easily beat ourselves up! And we all have 20/20 vision in hindsight. The good thing now is that you will get some answers tomorrow. I know it's so hard, but try stay positive.
Thank you. I will do my best. His appointment is actually today at 5pm. It's 11am now so only 6 more hours to go.
Oh that's good news! Guess I didn't realize your original post was from yesterday. Well I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. : )
I'll be watching too - keep us updated.
I'm heading home from work now. I'll remember to keep positive thoughts going for Finnigan!!
Thank you all so much. I'm definitely a believer in positive thinking and/or prayers so I do appreciate it. I came across this story that if it's true is pretty incredible:

Bella's Miracle

I will definitely let you all know what happens. Hopefully it’s good (or at least pretty good) news. With my Dad fighting cancer right now, I really can't handle anything being seriously wrong with my puppy dog. He's my joy. :)
Hi Alice, I just got caught up on this thread. Good luck with Finnigan's appointment. If it is the ligament remember my Sparty partially tore his about three years ago now. He is doing great without surgery but we limited his activity level and still don't allow him to herd the soccer ball or race after balls. They are studying this at (I think ) Tufts to try to determine if there is a genetic link. My vet felt that shorter dogs did not do as well with the surgery as the taller dogs do but it is a very common surgery. Either way I will be thinking good thoughts for you tonight!
Thank you. I just can't imagine trying to limit his activity that much. He's only a year old with tons of spunk and he loves to run.
I know how you feel. I think it depends on the dog. Honestly Maddie enjoys chasing a ball, but if she needed to be restricted to leash walks and swimming for the rest of her life, I think she'd be perfectly happy.

With Jack, when I was limiting his activity for about 10 days because of his limp, he would keep bringing his toys to us and when he finally gave up he sort of gave a big sigh and went and laid on the couch and looked soooooo sad. He's not one for being petted, and playing is how he interacts with us. It would be tough to restrict him.

I am sure Bev did not find it easy with Sparty either, poor guy.
Finn sounds like he would be more like Jack. He'll cuddle one in a while but most of the time if you get down to pet him he will instantly grab a toy and want to play.
Sparty used to take tennis balls to the top of the steps and drop them so he could chase them. He also taught our grandson who was still crawling at the time to push the ball forward so he could chase it! He still occasionally makes us feel sorry for him but it still is better than surgery in our situation.


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