I hope to have 2 litters late next winter or early spring and my question to corgi owners is...would you consider buying a corgi with an undocked tail. Many places in Europe have banned the docking of tails and I feel strongly that I would like to leave their tails but as a small time breeder I also want to make sure that my pups will get sold... so I am just checking out what other corgi owners would do if they wanted/found a pup but it had a tail.I most likely will do this (leave their tails) but would like some input!

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I don't think I'd reject a puppy on the basis of whether its tail is docked or not (unless I were going to show it and the breed standard required a docked tail). But I just have to say, one thing I just love is how the Corgi bunny butt is SOOOOOO cute. :)

P.S. That picture is adorable. Did they all have white tips on their tails?
@ Allison...I do love bunny butts too but I also like the long tails! Yes, all have white tips...I will try to post a new pic on here soon! As for showing in Europe where many countries have banned the docking you are disqualified if you dog was born after 2007 and has a docked tail:)
My Sophie has her tail and I must say her tail is so cute and expressive. People stop me all the time and comment about Sophie and her tail - a typical comment is "is that a corgi - she has a tail and her tail is so cute - I don't understand why they dock their tails". We have a little corgi neighbor friend and her owners see Sophie's tail and always comment on it and wonder what their Darby would look like with her tail. SO, my answer to you is I am so happy to hear that you are considering not docking your puppies tails - I will go out of my way to find a pemmie puppy with a tail!
I too feel sad about the non docking issue. I love the look of the bunny butts it is one of their charms.
Me too. I feel like this should be a decision that owners and breeders make on their own about their dogs. I hope that no laws come into effect restricting how owners and breeders deal with their dogs.
I'll side with the breed standard. One of my guys is a bobtailed/ natural docks, one a "show" dock and one a docked 2 inch nub. But i won't buy a puppy with a tail nor would I buy a puppy that gave evidence of a non-corgi personality.
I personally wanted a corgi with a docked tail, you just can't beat that cute little bunny butt, it is part of their charm. Nothing pleases me more than seeing that little nubbin wiggle. I don't think it would be a make or break for me, but if I had the choice I'd prefer it docked. My breeder gave the choice of docked or undocked to all of the owners who bought pups before they were born, Frank has a few sisters with undocked tails but his little butt is so much cuter! :-)I think iIf you want an undocked tail get a Cardi.....
Cardi personalities are different from Pemmie personalities though.
Agreed. From all I have heard of both breeds, the Pem personality better suits our lifestyle, though both are charming dogs.

I guess where I come down in the end is this: if you are going to remove a perfectly healthy body part, a decision in which the animal has absolutely no say, I want to know the reasons.

The reasons given for removing front dew claws hold up for me. The reasons giving for shortening up the tail of a gun dog that spends a lot of time running through brambles hold up for me.

I would prefer a Pem with a tail because the reason giving for docking does not really rise to the level of the ethical standards I personally have for removing healthy body parts. I wish the breed club would revise the standard to allow docking to be the choice of the breeder. I'll bet quite a few reputable breeders would stop docking if they thought their dogs had a good chance to get titled with a tail.
well said Beth!
Yes, Beth...well said! I am curious as to how many of you out there have docked or have seen tails docked???? I know either John or Sam posted a tail docking on this site? Which still is not the same as seeing it 1st hand...call me a softy if you want but I did it once (had vet dock) and will never dock again!
I think my vets do it different than most. I've seen dew claws and tails done on a litter of jack russells and she used a local anesthetic prior to the procedure. The puppies seemed to be screaming more from being held, receiving the injection, and being separated from mom than they were from the actual procedure. Once they were put back with their littermates they all went right back to sleep. I think this option costs more for the owner but seemed a lot more humane than what other people have seen.


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