I have two corgis. Penny is almost 2 and Jet is 10 months. I have taught Penny to sit, down, roll over, turn around and speak. She used to do them all very well, but when we got our puppy, we paid less attention to working on her "tricks" and more attention on potty training and other puppy stuff. Lately I have been separating each dog in a room and working alone with them individually on these commands. Before I even get the entire command out Penny barks at me. Just one loud bark anytime I start to say a command. The way I have been dealing with this is to immediately turn away from her and ignore her for a few seconds, then try again. And she certainly doesn't get a treat for barking. I am leaving out the "speak" command for now. Is this the correct way to deal with the situation? I really don't want Jet picking up this bad habit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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I like to watch Victoria Stillwell and when she has a barker, she teaches the speak command first, because then you can teach them to speak and then STOP speaking.
Ah, a barker!! Jack is a barker. Watch agility on tv and the border collies often bark their way through an entire course.

Corgis, as drovers, bark a lot when they are working a herd. Here's a good video of a working Corgi:


I tolerate barking with some trick commands if he is very excited, but not for sit or stay or down or any of the formal obedience commands. I have never been able to unlink the "back up" command with barking for Jack during pure training practice, yet if I ask him to back up in a regular real-life situation where backing is required, he does it quietly. It's just that he gets very excited when we practice a string of commands in a row and tends to vocalize as a result.

One thing you can do is this: If you have trained your dog that "ah-ah" or "no" means "that is not what I want" instead of "You are a bad dog", then you can give a quiet "ah" or "no" when he barks. If your dog already associates those words with "you are a bad dog" then you can create a new word to mean "that's not it", such as "try again". If she barks give your "try again" correction (which should be done in the same tone of voice you give your regular commands) and turn away, and she should soon associate the new command with the concept that she is not giving you what you want.

The other thing you can do is switch up when and how you practice and reward so she's not anticipating. She may very well be barking to tell you "hurry up, hurry up, I'm a good girl and a treat is coming!!" So you can mix it up and carry treats in your pocket and just give one command whilst sitting watching tv, for example. Or ask for a down while she's on a walk, or ask for a sit before throwing a tennis ball. If she's not anticipating what's coming she's less likely to vocalize in excitement.

Good luck!
Sparty is a talker. Loves to bark while doing what I am asking. It is a pain and I am unsuccessful in getting him to contain his excitement. I guess I have just gotten used to him. Izzy rarely barks. During obedience classes I found if I ignored the barking he would eventually calm down and be quiet. He just always wants to be the smartest kid in the room, he certainly is the noisiest! By the way the speak command did not help. He is really good at that too!!
Thank you for your suggestions everyone! I will give them a try and let you know how it goes. I really appreciate it!
Penny has improved, but isn't entirely consistent with not barking at me. She definitely gets that when I say "no,no" and turn around she isn't getting any treats and she stops barking and just sits there. Sometimes she tries to get in front of me, but I just keep turning away. So anyway, we are improving so thank you for your help! We'll keep working at it! We are currently adding "stay" to our bag of tricks with both dogs.


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