The owner of one of Gretch's pups is having a problem with aggresion. They say that she is only friendly to them, (her and her boyfriend) She is aggressive to everyone else. They have had her in "puppy kindergarten and puppy training and nothing is helping. NEED HELP!!!! Any suggestions?

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Sounds like she/he is being possessive, but without more details I cannot be sure exactly. For example when the dog does it, when people are approaching or only if they try to pet him? A trainer should know how to handle this. It depends on what is "setting" the dog off.

For example:
I know one way of training them to be nice to new people is to praise them when someone new comes in the house or comes up and greets them. If they react badly they are removed from the room AND they cannot be near their humans. Eventually they learn 1. new people are good 2. if they miss behave they cannot be near their people.

The problem is people will do things like lock them in a closet or lock them in the crate for punishment. If the crate is used for sleepingat night it should not be a punishment and closets are no place for dogs. It is a mixture of knowledge and common sense. But a good dog trainer should be able to help them with the problem if they explain the situation and ask for help. It is not uncommon and it can be corrected if trained correctly.
How old is the pup?

Would it be at all possible for you to meet and evaluate? I would not take their word on it that she's "aggressive." She might just be exhibiting typical Corgi chasing/herding type behaviors (jumping and biting).

We are casual acquaintences with a dog trainer and she said very frequently what she is called out for is not the real problem at all. She says she often gets calls for adolescent/ young adult dogs of larger breeds who are "aggressive" and it turns out they are just rude puppies who have never been taught that it's not acceptable to bounce on people and play bite or wrestle with them. Often what people think of as aggressive is just over-exuberance.

Corgis can be quite physical and also very vocal, as you know. If it were me, I would want to see first hand the behavior they are talking about before offering any advice.

Good luck!
Thanks Beth and yes I agree, Every dog needs to learn their manners. And for a Corgi, its much more because they are bred to be aggressors, BUT I do not have a problem with them. You have to understand the breed/ I tried to screen the potential buyers and attempted to school them on the job these wonderful dogs are bred to do.
She is suppose to call me back in a few days and I will meet and eval. I will buy the pup back if need be just to prevent the pup from being somewhere where she is not understood,
Oh by the way she is almost 5mo. old
I will keep you posted thanks for the info/
I agree with Beth. I think it's a very good idea for you to see the "behavior" first hand and judge for yourself.
I agree too, they have never owned a Corgi before and I think they had different expectations; She is suppose to contact me in a few days and I have offered to meet her. I do believe that they are "a breed of their own", Will keep you updated.
I have also offered to buy the pup back, I would rather do this than to have her somewhere where she was not handled properly.
Thanks again, take care
Cesar Millan (a famous dog trainer) has a lot of good info on this subject; I have used his methods with my Corgi from day 1 and she's done very well...
Did she call you?? Do you live nearby that you could go there???Do you think she's a good owner? I had this with one of Bella's pups and wanted to get her back but I stopped in did much "teaching" and I haven't heard anything for awhile! I did find out to my relief that it wasn't as bad as I thought. I think this sounds like they may have to be the leader and not let her get by with this! For the training they do have to be consistent...they may not be...

Good Luck...........This is so hard to go through!
She has not called as yet. I will wait a few more days an then contact them. Yes they live close and I will be able to monitor as close as allowed.
I told her about this web site and she said she was going to join but I have not seen them on yet.
I will keep you all posted on the progress,
Thanks for your concern and helpful advise.

Gretchen and Nancy
I just wanted to add a thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a responsible breeder and offering to take the pup back!! The Corgi breeders I have met personally are very careful and look out for their pups' well-being, even after they have left the home. But too many dog breeders in general sell a dog and then have no idea what happens to it after that.

Please let us know how it works out.
Thanks for the kudos on the pups, and yes I am very concerned with where my pups go. I screen every potential buyer as best I can but there is always someone who slips thro the cracks if you know what i mean!!!!?


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