Unfortunately, this doesn't shock me. You would be amazed at how many dalmatians have been in shelters since the re release of 101 dalmatians years ago. Or maybe, as dog lovers, you wouldn't. People are fickle, and they want to have what's 'in'... including the 'right accessories' even if that accessory is a live being. I read about a woman turning in a dog to rescue because she remodeled her home and the dog didn't go with the drapes! Real story or not, it is a possibility.

Forgot to say that is was on another site.

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It's gross Steve, it really is. And it does shock me; I'm appalled by it. People treat other people that way too, their own children even... 

Somewhere on the line, many people lost their ability for reason and empathy for other sentient beings. Not saying everyone should go out and hug a tree, but I'm saying that I wish people could use both sides of their brains.

Hi Steve, what happened in the past was sad and tragic, we can learn from those mistakes and channel that spare time and energy into something positive. Focus on what's within your circle of influence, identify constructive conversation and not spend another second on angry emotions that leads to nowhere.

I still believe in the goodness of people, I believe surrounding yourself with positive influence will foster a new generation of responsible pet owners. We are living in a time where technology allows us to be influencers, let's make that a positive one.

Well said Sam... may we all be as level headed as you seem to be.. and have grace for others.

Right on, Sam! Negativity breeds negativity. I feel sheepish that w/o thought, I jumped in and added my two cents, which added nothing. I need to paste your comment around my house. I hope to learn to be more positive and not jump on a negative band wagon going nowhere. Obviously there are times that negative experiences need to be shared to educate and prevent others from suffering a tragedy, eg. my sharing the loss of my Corgi, Emily, because a groomer left her alone in a tub with a choke collar. Emily tried to jump out and strangled herself. I shared this story not to be negative but as a cautionary tale. No matter how highly a groomer is recommended by trusted friends or yelp, personally check out the facility. Be sure the collars are safe––harness not choke collars. Ask questions about policy re. pets being left alone in the tub, the procedure for drying pets, the heat of the dryers, are pets left alone with a blow dryer in a crate, etc.

Way to go Sam!  Three cheers for you.

This is a responsibility that we must take on. Every time a corgi has been in the shelter by us I call and they are already spoken for. As corgi lovers we must be vigilant that this doesn't happen to our breed. People ask me all the time about my corgis because we travel often with them. I never sugar coat the down side even though I think they are the best breed ever. I think it is unlikely that people are any less caring about their pets now than they ever were...we just have more information and support out there. I agree with Sam that it is good to surround ourselves with positive people. One reason why I value the mycorgi community so much. Thanks for the reminder!

ughhh thats soooo sick. there was a lady on craigslist who got really angry and said some rude and awful-and unbelievable to me,-things because she was "tired of seeing people complain about others giving away pets" because apparently its "not selfish to want to spend more time with an upcoming child." or "if the dog isnt getting enough attention they deserve better" and that people who give their dogs away "dont do it because we are lazy or dont want them, but because we cant give them what they deserve." etc. and in the end, she said that everyone on there complaining about it needs to educate themselves and that they are lazy bc they "spend time whining about such trivial things"

it was one of those stupid people make my head hurt moments when i read that.

it bothered me so much i even replied to the rant and rave, something i rarely do just because i dont like arguing, but she just burned my cookies. i told her that she was wrong, that people bring animals into their lives, accepting that responsibility and commitment, knowing that the pet is going to live the better part of twenty years, and that if you cant see yourself keeping the pet through life changes, dont get it. gonna have kids in the next twenty years? dont get a pet. gonna go to school, start a new career, gonna move? DONT GET A PET. it was far more well written in the post, because you cant have people thinking youre not educated when trying to make a point haha. but i just.. i couldnt believe it and i dont understand how people can do that

i imagine to myself taking in an animal, signing all the forms, saying goodbye and walking away to leave that animal behind, and i just.. i cant see myself doing it. not even to a stray animal, one that hadnt been a pet of mine.. i couldnt do it simply because i hate seeing those animals behind bars way too much.

So true re. 1001 Dalmatians. People don't take the time to study the breed. They just impulse buy. Dalmatians are not the easiest breed. Ditto at Easter when people buy then discard all the baby chicks. Oh, and then there's Halloween. Every year neighbors gave my kids live goldfish in small bags filled with water. Thank you very much neighbors! My kids insisted on keeping these goldfish, but how many parents just flushed them down the toilet, in spite of their children crying? To them goldfish are bait. Their kids' feelings didn't matter.

You are right, it is sad when that happens, but it is happening much less than it used to.   I have lived long enough to definitely see that things are looking up for our doggy friends.   When I was young, there were no dog parks.  People certainly did not make play dates with their dogs.  Hardly anyone even walked their dogs.  There were lots of owned dogs that were left to roam every day.  Plenty of people did not spay and neuter. 

In the early 1970's, around 12 to 20 million dogs and cats were euthanized in shelters each year.  Now the number has dropped to around 3 to 4 million (remember, that's dogs plus cats).     From the Humane Society of the United States (not one of my favorite groups, but useful for tracking this sort of info):

"In the 1970s, American shelters euthanized 12-20 million dogs and cats, at a time when there were 67 million pets in homes. Today, shelters euthanize around 4 million animals, while there are more than 135 million dogs and cats in homes.  This enormous decline in euthanasia numbers—from around 25 percent of American dogs and cats euthanized every year to about 3 percent—represents substantial progress." 

What Beth says is true...as much as I feel that as a species, we suck, there are many many wonderful people out there that prove me wrong (and I'm happy to be proved wrong about this each and every time!).  Being an old fart myself, I've seen the changes in the way people treat their pets (as a whole).  Honestly, when I was a child, it seemed to be nothing to give up a dog or cat or whatever and have it put down when things got incovenient....I mean, it never happened to me, thankfully, but it happened to plenty of friends I knew.  "Where's BubbaDog?  Oh, Mommy and Daddy got rid of him" seemed sooo much more common.  And people didn't do much in the way of vet care and all that.  Dog food and cat food were the cheapest possible thing you could buy and many many were feed table scraps as their main source of food.  And oh my goodness you NEVER saw all the outcry and uproar and media coverage when a particularly heinous act of animal cruelty occurs like you do now.  Overall, pet care and the whole pet thing has markedly improved.  (Good grief...I sound like my parents with the "I walked 20 miles uphill both ways to school when I was your age...LOL)

You can't change the world all at once but every seemingly small thing that you CAN do causes ripples and those ripples turn into giant waves of change.

Can you imagine someone paying for Doggy Day Care in the 70's?

Oh my gosh, you'd have been laughed out of town if you tried!


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