We have had Frosty for 6 months now.  We spent the first couple months leaving him in the crate while we were gone, and slowly started leaving him free to roam some of the house for longer and longer periods of time.  He has never ever eaten anything in the house that did not belong to him (except the day we brought him home he ate some floor).  He has been house roaming free for at least 3 months now with no problems at all.  Then today when I came home at lunch to let him out, I discovered he had completely shredded 2 pairs of my husbands sandals!!!  They were cheapo plastic & nylon, and he didn't eat them at all, he just chewed the buckles off mostly.  Does this mean we should go back to crating him all the time again??  Should I wait and see if he was just mad and its a one time deal, maybe he won't eat anything else??  It was just so strange and off the wall for him to do that.  I always make sure he has plenty of toys and entertaining treats to play with while we are gone.  I hate crating him because he pees in his crate and then lays in it.  I would like to leave him outside during the day, but we don't have any shade in the front yard and it has been 90+ around here everyday.  Ugh!!!  So anyway, just want to know what your opinion is??  Thanks for the input!!

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I'd crate him again. Be sure to take him out right before you leave so he can go potty. If his crate is too big, he will pee in it. You could try gating him in a dog proof room rather than the crate. Dogs don't get "mad" and do things out of spite. He got bored and found something interesting to do.
We always take him out right before we leave and make sure he goes potty. Also don't allow him to have food/water before being crated. His crate is the right size, he just learned to pee in his crate before we got him, and I can't seem to get him to stop doing it. lol, I know he isn't "mad", I just can't figure out why after so long he just decided to do that.
I agree that if you could use a gate with chewy toys like kongs that might be the best. I don't have this problem with my own dogs but I never did find a wide leather strap to my favorite sandels...Calvin...my rsecue really liked my shoes!
Calvin likes EVERYONEs shoes!! We haven't 'solved' this problem yet, but we try to keep our shoes in the closet or up on our little bench when we take them off. Every now and then though, he trots around with someone's shoe or sneaker. We bought some antlers to trade with him, and he seems to like those better. But he did chew through two pairs of sandals. I would suggest finding some chewy toys that amuse him more. He may grow out of it after a spell. I am hoping Calvin will!
I always say that my dogs made me a much neater person. It is possible that Frosty was just suggesting it was time for new sandals but otherwise you can either pick everything up and close all doors or go back to crating!
We used to spray that bitter apple stuff on things, but that was long, long ago. We lost a boot, an odd thing here and there. Somehow, they learned what was theirs and what was ours.
Today, I'm amazed how quickly they learn. I'll buy a stuffy at a yard sale for fifty cents, give it to them, and they'll shred it, immediately, repeatedly, but they leave our stuff alone.


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