Tonight, at the dog park i saw and heard Carly barking i looked around to find her barking at a young girl the same size and age , 8yrs. as my granddaughter who was with me. My first response was i guessed she trying to get her to play , but then i realized she didnt want the child near her. I told the girl to back away because i saw carly was scared, but i dont know why.. I have seen Carly be fearful at men and older children while we are out walking the neighborhood, but never one that is so close to the age of my grand child. She loves Madalyn and my other granddaughters. I wonder why all of a sudden shes so fearfu? Id love to hear your comments and yes shes been to obedience class and has been socialized but has always been rather fearful of strangers .  Is there anything i need to be doing i havent thought of?

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No, she may have been picking up something from the little girl that you either didn't see or hear and with my Wynn he has a "sense" that tells him when things aren't "right". It could be that she has this intuition. Just a thought but I trust Wynn judgement on people 100%.
I wondered that Jane, i even ask the little girl what had happened and she said nothing. You never know with kids but it looked like she had been triyng to pet Carly and  Carly wasn't interested. I guess im hopfull its just a isolated case.  I sure dont want it to become a habit,  i cant take her to the park around children if she doesnt act nice.. unless of course like you said she sensed something wasnt right.

I'm all for the first description...

Animals pick up on things that you may or may not know/realize. Many documented cases of folks trusting their dogs sixth sense has been proven to be right in preventing issues. Its kind of a qualifier in my life really, if my dog dosen't like you then there is often a really good reason for it, and more then once I've been proven right.

Also dog parks yes are fun for most, but as I've observed are also high stress. Especially for our low rider Corgi's around bigger dogs. Jazmin is often times the reason for a muti-dog pile up due to tripping hazzard low to the ground ( she is like a furry curb with legs that moves at random).

There is the good possibility she may have accidently bumped, nudged or even stepped on a paw by accident, some dogs are forgiving with that but not all. Also could have been teasing the pup with a treat or in my case a ball which wouldn't sit very well after a few min.

Just some reasons behind it, but I'd not count it as anything major unless the behavior is repeated.



Don and Crew.

Thanks Don, i do think Carly was a bit stressed , her usual dogs shes plays with were not there which left only larger ones, and she didn't like even the 6month old lab who kept coming over to play. The klab was laying down to her and she still growled and tried to leave several times! I wonderedn if the child had taunted her, but since i had my back to the situation i dont know.. ill be sure and keep an eye on her from now on.

Well, I agree that dogs can sense things about people and it's true that the girl may have tried to grab her or something that upset Carly.


But you also say she's fearful around strangers.  Sounds like this summer she could use some intensive socialization.  Take her to the pet store, take her to Home Depot, take her to the lobby at the vet's and sit there.  Have bags of treats and ask people if they would mind giving your dog treats.  Take her to watch a Little League game, take her to the park when the track team is practicing.  A dog who is fearful of random strangers can be unpredictable in chaotic situations. 


When Jack was a puppy, we would take him places and whenever I'd see someone smile at him, I'd pipe up and say "Would you like to pet the puppy?  We're socializing him!"   It was hard for me because I"m normally a bit shy around strangers, but by adding "We'\re socializing him" it made people feel like they were being helpful by stopping.


He met dozens upon dozens of people, and I made sure to talk to people I might normally tend to avoid--- so he met teenage boys and bikers and grumpy-looking older men and people with packs of kids and all the rest.

Beth this is a great idea. i do believe shes a little old to say shes a puppy , at 14 months  but i hope as you say it will help. This week when i take frankie my 12 week old, to his second puppy class they said i could bring her.. i am for sure! The last couple of times ive taken her to pets mart she barked at every man that came close to saying hi to her.. but this is nothing new. When we walk the neighbor i have to say leave it , when some one walks by. Im just wondering if this fear is crosing over to kids as well.. i sure hope not. Shes just great with women.

Of course i took her with me to the beauty shop, just like i do frankie, four days a week  for the first five or six months of her life. She was loved on and met lots and lots of people. Generally shes a nervous dog though and i think  it part of her temperament.. im sorry to say but i may be wrong. Frankie and she have got along fabulous she very happy to have a play mate ... i see hes actually been a good influence on her , weird to say because hes the pup. She crates better now and calms down faster.

I agree with what Beth said about the socialization part. Another thought for in general is...I have 2 that are much more intense and they have such keen "sight" that this sometimes can hamper what you are doing with them as it is more overwhelming for my 2. Also if some can squat instead of lean over so they are more on her level not reaching down may help.
What do you mean Jane , by keen sight, that she see things that others dont see? Carly is intense ,  i say that about her all the time. she not laid back and seems to be on guard. Her level of energy is way more than my sons grown corgi as well...

Priscilla, I have had to alter even my hand signals for agility and obedience and even the instructor has mentioned not to "push" this as they are such sight orientated dogs that when we get in a group of 10 other dogs and 10 people you can imagine  what it might look like with 40 dog legs and 20 people ankles...what I have done for the classes is instead of bringing my right hand open palm over and in front of them I just use my index finger and bring in in front of them but not as close. Livvy was always backing away from the full hand and this works very well. This does help and just to be aware of how we and others are seen. Livvy is my best animal herder and ball herder and my others do well but she just flies...I wish I had cattle for her to herd as the other dogs would be happy that she isn't herding them. Livvy will also back away from someone bending over to pet her if she doesn't know them but also a hand coming down as in the same as a signal may also have the same effect. Hope this makes sense.

Yes it does make sense.  Carly is extremely causious with door ways as well. Have you heard of this?

I have said all along Carly would be a great agility dog she flies and turns so fast! She would chase after her favorite a toy, a squeaky hot dog in our back yd.non stop if i would throw it!! In fact i tell her she needs a bad. lol.. Every time she sees a dog run at the dog park she starts running for him and barking at it. Im a little embarrassed but i know this is her natural instincts and her  little legs are so powerful...

Maybe she was expecting one of your Granddaughters and was confused that the little girl was someone different?  My daughters Corgi Lanie will leave the room when my wifes parents are around.  Most of our Corgis, at least initially, barked the first few times they saw people of color (we are paleskins).  Now I wouldn't worry about it but that's just me some other Corgi owners might think otherwise.  Hats, boots, workbelts, hockey bags, suitcases, backpacks, etc. have been know to set our dogs off.   
Oh yes....I forgot about hats...Wynn doesn't like them!


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