Maromi has been back and forth to the vet for almost a year now. We finally had to bring him in for x-rays, he was breathing funny and stopped eating again.

We found density around his trachea and very little in his lungs. There's also fluid in his abdomen. Our vet was not sure what all this could be but seemed to fear the worst for our baby. We got blood work done. Everything was low except for a specific white blood cell. Sadly, our vet told us that this could mean cancer.

As of right now he really wants to focus on the fluid in the abdomen and find out if that will be treatable before we move forward to the density around his trachea and in his lungs. We're waiting to hear back to find out where the specialist is so we can get an ultrasound (he travels to all the hospitals in the area where we live) And the weather has been really awful so every where else was closed today and we couldn't find him.

Point being, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these situations and might be able to give us some advice, prepare us for the worst, or even some kind words for support. Maromi only just turned 1 in November and this is just breaking my heart. I love my baby to death and I just need to do what is best by him.

Thank you guys for reading and snuggle your pups a little more for Romi tonight<3

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I am so sorry! You did the kindest and most loving thing you could do for him by not letting him suffer anymore. I know how hard it is. Our thoughts are with you.

I'm so so sorry. That you did not let him suffer is the kindest thing anyone can do. My heart goes out to you.

I lost count of how many times I gasped and said OMG out loud while reading this. I can't believe how young he was and how suddenly things took a turn for the worst. If it is shocking to read I can only begin to imagine the shock and pain you must have to deal with, not to mention the confusion. I hope knowing how many of us are thinking of you now is some comfort at least. I am so sorry!

Hoping you guys are doing okay at this sad time. Still thinking of you.

Thank you so much. It's rough going but we're hanging in there. Thanks for thinking of us<3

Aww man it sucks when a medical crisis turns out like this. I'm sorry you had to go through this. May your healing process be swift <3

As others have said it is hard to imagine cancer in such a young pup, but there are plenty of sad, sobering stories about babies (human and canine alike) being diagnosed with serious cancer issues. I SO hoped you would get better odds but I know, as loving pet owners, you want to be as compassionate as possible if the worst case scenario plays out. My heart is breaking for you, especially since Romi was so young. I hope you get better news soon, but I hope it helps to know how much we are all thinking of you at such a terrific time. You all deserve much better! Wishing you better times ahead.


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