I'll be getting them new booties for the Canadian snow, how about you?

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I got my pups tire chews!
A cow's femur.
A new bed that they'll have to share and I hope to get some raw cow bones also...I just have to call the butcher shop and order some!
I got mine wellness crystals for their collars from Hope Brown Crystals =)
New fleecy squeaky piggies and new marrow bones!
I think Lilli may get a netbook. She's having some trouble getting my laptop to work properly, or rather I'm having trouble working it when she's helping me. The cute little netbook looks just her size.

Would she need her own account here?

a new babble ball - they just go nuts over it... says little phrases like "good doggie" in a high squeeky voice, but not too loud as to be annoying. There is one lost somewhere in the house... Maybe the cat hid it on them!
ok, well the babies are getting: a 16 inch bone, a stocking with candy cane shaped raw hides, and a stuffed toy.
The dogs in the family are all getting some combination of cookies and toys in a pretty gift basket kind of way. The dog gifts are admittedly more for the benefit of the human than the dogs. The dogs don't care about gift wrapping, but we humans do..... as you can guess, we have no human kids in the family.
Wacky Walk'r leash ^_^
I want to get a purple long one
That looks really interesting! I'm having trouble visualizing how it works?
oh, its just like... she walks and if she tugs, it just pulls her back toward me (its not dramatic). The more they want to tug, the harder they have to work, and it doesn't jerk me.

Its not really for real controlled environments, just casual walkin. They have videos on the site to see it.
What if they pull really hard, does it still pull them back to you? Like pulling so hard they are choking themselves or does it prevent that?


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