What Made You First Fall In Love With the Corgi Breed?

For me, I was watching TV when a laundry commercial came on. There was a large brown wicker laundry basket and up popped either 5 or 6 of the most adorable puppy faces. They were all ears. It was love at first sight! I had been wanting to get a dog and when I saw those faces, I turned to my husband and told him that was the dog I wanted.

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I had no clue about Corgis till I went to see a litter when I was looking for a dog. I wanted a female but when this 6 week old male pup waddled up to me and proceeded to put his tiny head on my foot and fall asleep...I was hooked...he picked me and that's all it took. He is still the perfect dog...most days. This was almost 9 years ago:) And like potato chips...you can never have just one!

It is so true. We had our Noli one for 12 1/2 years (RIP) and when we were looking for our new pups, we decided we had to have 2. We could have taken the entire litter as they are so irresistibly adorable!
That's the best when the adopt you right away. That was my first intro to our Noli. She was the first pup to run directly up to me vs. my husband...it was "love at first sight!" Those faces are so irrisistable.

We were looking for a dog and wanted a smaller one than our wonderful Standard Poodle due to our traveling in the RV. My first choice was a Pug until my husband said no way to the ugliest dog he had ever seen and then I thought a beagle because I grew up with them and we were on a list at the Humane Society and did not get one of the puppies. I then saw an ad for corgi puppies. My husband said the famous last words " Let's go look at the puppies". We went home with Sparty that night. He was so much fun and so smart we were hooked from then on. His passing at 13 and 1/2 was the most devastating loss so far. He was my "heart dog". Izzy continues that fine tradition by being as sweet as can be and I hope to add a Cardigan puppy this spring so I can try the other kind of corgi. Corgis forever!

Noli was our "Heart Dog" and our most devastating loss ever, so I can relate. When we were with my mother-in-law during her final days, she told my husband that we would be sad when she, his mom, passed away and devastated when we lost Noli. She knew how much we loved her as well as how much we loved Noli as if Noli was our child (which she was :)). We love our girls we have now so much, and they are such joyful little lights, but we still get very sad when we think about Noli, and it's been 4 years.
You're Sparty was so cute as is Izzy!

I grew up with shepherds and always had big dogs but had moved to an apartment in the city. I was working at a vet at the time and the cutest pair of big eared subby legged dogs came in and I had to know all about them. We had several clients with corgis and they were always more than happy to educate me on the breed. They were perfect for me, a herding dog in a small package. It took over a year to find that perfect puppy, the minute I saw Franklin's picture I knew I had to have him. I had been searching and searching and none of the other pups spoke to me like he did. He too is my "heart" dog and I can only hope that I have him into his late late teens. 

They are the greatest big dog in a small dog's body. And, so hearty, smart and curious. I wish they could out live us!

I did things the boring way:  I sat down with a "what dog breed is right for you?" book and we ended up with Corgi.  I'd never heard of them before.  

I like big dogs but due to health issues, it would be hard for me to have one.  I was looking for something around 35 pounds with a big-dog personality that would like to go hiking, was smart, might dabble in agility, didn't need specialized grooming, and could live peacefully with a cat.  

We got all we wanted and more.  Now I can't imagine having any other breed.  Dogs with normal-height legs look funny to me.  :-)

Glad you found the "right" breed. :). Your pups are very cute!

Corgi butts!    Whenever I saw a corgi being walked on our local pedestrian/bike path I thought they were just way too cute...     We hadn't had a dog in quite a few years (for various lifestyle reasons) and our last dog was a _huge_ yellow lab. He was an awesome dog but I wanted something a bit more portable (without being a "small" dog) so I did homework on what corgis were actually like.   We were looking for a rescue and I wasn't overly optimistic about finding a younger purebred corgi in our area but figured we might be able to find a corgi mix.    

At any rate, we completely lucked out - after many days/hours on Petfinder I saw Chewey come up over Thanksgiving weekend in 2010.  I called immediately and drove up the next day to officially meet him and pick him up.   I don't think either of us can imagine not having one now.  I'd love to get another one but so far I've resisted ;->

The Corgi butts are the cutest. The look like little bunny butts bopping up and down as the run, and cute little hearts when just walking along. The heart shape says it all, as Corgi's are "all heart". Chewey is very cute!


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