My corgi has been running from whistles. He has gotten so afraid of them that when we walk if there are sports games around us he runs and pulls for two miles straight. He also runs when we are watching sports on tv and hides in the other room. I am concerned that it might be because he has an ear infection but it may just be behavioral. He is now 3 1/2 and this started happening at about 3. Any ideas?

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Has he been checked for an ear infection? Could something have happened to scare him? For instance a kid blowing a whistle repeatedly too close to him? Or some other bad experience with a whistle? My thought is something happened to make him this afraid but I have no experience with whistles. I really don't have an answer but know that a bad experience can cause something like this and as for just behavioral...something still would need to set this off! Maybe the sound just hurts his ears? Does anyone have a dog whistle that this could have happened?
I would use a whistle to call him for dinner. I can not imagine a corgi that would get over a fear for dinner! But do have his ears checked too.
Good suggestion but actually he eats when he feels motivated. Sometimes a meal can sit for a few days. Haha. He is also afraid of gum popping.
Alycia, I never leave food down. If it is not gone in 15 minutes I would pick it up. Actually with mine if it is not gone in 5 I call the vet! LOL
Soap bubbles. Umbrellas. Go figure....
Well thank goodness my man isn't the only one with weird quicks


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